4th Edition. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1996, 1999, 2001,
and 2006 Printed in Germany. 378 р. ISBN-10:3-540-25992-9;
Introduction, Fundamental Ik tin it ions and Phenomena
Experimental I Investigation of Flames
Mathematical Description of Premised Laminar Flat Flames
Thermodynamics combustion Processes
Transport Phenomena
Chemical Kinetics
Reaction Mechanisms
Laminar Premixed Flames
Laminar Nonpremixed Flames
Ignition Processes
Low-Temperature Oxidation, Engine Knock
The Navier-Stokts-Equations fur Three-Dimensional Reading Hem
Turbulent Reacting Flows
Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames
Turbulent Premixed Flames
Combustion of Liquit and Solid Fuels
Formation of Nitric Oxides
Formation of Нуdrocarbons and Soot
Effects of Combustion Processes on the Atmosphere
Appendix I: Mathematics
Appendix 2: Reaction Mechanisms
Introduction, Fundamental Ik tin it ions and Phenomena
Experimental I Investigation of Flames
Mathematical Description of Premised Laminar Flat Flames
Thermodynamics combustion Processes
Transport Phenomena
Chemical Kinetics
Reaction Mechanisms
Laminar Premixed Flames
Laminar Nonpremixed Flames
Ignition Processes
Low-Temperature Oxidation, Engine Knock
The Navier-Stokts-Equations fur Three-Dimensional Reading Hem
Turbulent Reacting Flows
Turbulent Nonpremixed Flames
Turbulent Premixed Flames
Combustion of Liquit and Solid Fuels
Formation of Nitric Oxides
Formation of Нуdrocarbons and Soot
Effects of Combustion Processes on the Atmosphere
Appendix I: Mathematics
Appendix 2: Reaction Mechanisms