(Волш Михаэл, Волш Марианна, Хевит Алан. Следы остатков
энергетических материалов при санкционированном уничтожении
артиллерийских порохов).
Hanover, NH: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
2009. – 50 р.
Military live-fire training missions utilizing mortars and
howitzers frequently generate excess propellant charges. Disposal
of this propellant is often done on-site and is referred to as
expedient disposal. Investigations into energetics residues
resulting from expedient disposal of propellants began in 2002 with
the collection of residues inside and outside a propellant bu
structure. These residues contained very high concentrations of
2,4-Dinitrotoluene, an indication that the buing process was not