and psychopathological structure of computer dependency, its results
and development will optimize not only criteria of diagnosis,
differential diagnosis and systematizationof this type of addiction but
also principles of its therapy and prophylaxis.
In Chapter 1 authors shows the way of formation of computer
subculture from cuneiform writing to internet (historical and
psychological aspects).
In Chapter 2 authors discuss the problem of addictive behavior. It
was paid attention to factors that initiate the development of
addictions and to pathological propensity to gambling.
Chapter 3 gives us overview of the worldwide research that reviews
the influence of uncontrolled computer activity. Authors present
approaches of different researchers, psychological mechanisms of
interactions between person and computer, analyses the spread of this
problem among young people.
In chapter 4 the results of investigation of 463 pupils that study
computer technologies a lot in lyceums of physic-mathematic and
informatics type permit to determine risk factors and risk group of
development of computer addiction, peculiarities of computer
activity (duration, experience, preferable kind of activity, feelings,
influence of computer on education, work, family and others) and
create program of primary prophylaxis of computer addiction.
Authors describe symptoms at first stage as well as factors that provoke
computer dependency. In work the psychological features of persons
of young age are explored on the first stage of computer addiction
In chapter 5 on the base of a complex clinical-psychopathological
and psychological examination of 38 patients with different forms of
mental pathology (F 91.1 -91.2, F 06.4 -07, 70 and others) (1CD-10)
that have computer addiction, clinical peculiarities of computer
addicts, social-demographical peculiarities and the dynamic of
development of computer addiction, and some psychological
mechanisms of this pathology were investigated. First on the basis of
complex clinical psychopathological and psychological research new
findings were obtained in relation to the risk factors, terms and
clinical dynamics of computer dependency formation.
It was determined that computer addiction can be primary or
symptomatic pathology. Mostly-symptomatic. Symptomatic
computer dependency comorbides with other mental disorders.