Before leaving this subsection, we must make a final point. In computing the
R-squared form of an F statistic for testing multiple hypotheses, we just use the usual
R-squareds without any detrending. Remember, the R-squared form of the F statistic is
just a computational device, and so the usual formula is always appropriate.
If a time series is observed at monthly or quarterly intervals (or even weekly or daily),
it may exhibit seasonality. For example, monthly housing starts in the Midwest are
strongly influenced by weather. While weather patterns are somewhat random, we can
be sure that the weather during January will usually be more inclement than in June,
and so housing starts are generally higher in June than in January. One way to model
this phenomenon is to allow the expected value of the series, y
, to be different in each
month. As another example, retail sales in the fourth quarter are typically higher than
in the previous three quarters because of the Christmas holiday. Again, this can be cap-
tured by allowing the average retail sales to differ over the course of a year. This is in
addition to possibly allowing for a trending mean. For example, retail sales in the most
recent first quarter were higher than retail sales in the fourth quarter from 30 years ago,
because retail sales have been steadily growing. Nevertheless, if we compare average
sales within a typical year, the seasonal holiday factor tends to make sales larger in the
fourth quarter.
Even though many monthly and quarterly data series display seasonal patterns, not
all of them do. For example, there is no noticeable seasonal pattern in monthly interest
or inflation rates. In addition, series that do display seasonal patterns are often season-
ally adjusted before they are reported for public use. A seasonally adjusted series is
one that, in principle, has had the seasonal factors removed from it. Seasonal adjustment
can be done in a variety of ways, and a careful discussion is beyond the scope of this
text. [See Harvey (1990) and Hylleberg (1986) for detailed treatments.]
Seasonal adjustment has become so common that it is not possible to get seasonally
unadjusted data in many cases. Quarterly U.S. GDP is a leading example. In the annual
Economic Report of the President, many macroeconomic data sets reported at monthly
frequencies (at least for the most recent years) and those that display seasonal patterns
are all seasonally adjusted. The major sources for macroeconomic time series, includ-
ing Citibase, also seasonally adjust many of the series. Thus, the scope for using our
own seasonal adjustment is often limited.
Sometimes, we do work with seasonally unadjusted data, and it is useful to know
that simple methods are available for dealing with seasonality in regression models.
Generally, we can include a set of seasonal dummy variables to account for seasonal-
ity in the dependent variable, the independent variables, or both.
The approach is simple. Suppose that we have monthly data, and we think that sea-
sonal patterns within a year are roughly constant across time. For example, since
Christmas always comes at the same time of year, we can expect retail sales to be, on
average, higher in months late in the year than in earlier months. Or, since weather pat-
terns are broadly similar across years, housing starts in the Midwest will be higher on
average during the summer months than the winter months. A general model for
monthly data that captures these phenomena is
Part 2 Regression Analysis with Time Series Data