War, Film, and Collective Memory 185
In this context, Benjamin’s reflections provide a better point of
departure for a discussion of these issues. In a sense, there is no
better instance of Benjamin’s notion of theaters of memory than the
cinematic. I use the plural advisedly, since it is evident that the
theater of memory constructed by those who have lived through
events is not at all the same reflective space inhabited by the rest of
us. How much harder it is, therefore, to accept the claim that film is a
source of one national ‘‘theater of memory’’ which we all, or rather
all inhabitants of a particular nation, inhabit.
A more constructive approach sees film as one of the mediators
of the memories of particular groups. Collective remembrance, as I
have tried to employ the term, is the set of memories expressed in
public by di√erent collectives. The memories of these groups are
mediated by collective cultural practices, one of the most significant
of which is film, but the fact that we share and acknowledge com-
mon mediators does not prove that we share common memories.
One of the greatest problems with the contemporary memory
boom is precisely this error. People refer to collective memory or
national memory without reflecting on what these terms actually
mean. The pathway many commentators sketch is clear: film pro-
duces memories among national filmgoers, who thereby imbibe
particular narratives about the past. Whether political leaders or
Hollywood producers pull the strings of this bit of puppeteering is
irrelevant; the e√ect is what matters. This functionalist bias in our
understanding of how memory—individual, social, collective—is
manufactured is simply too crude to accept, and yet it is a point of
view to be found in even the most sophisticated analyses of cultural
constructions of the past in film, art, and literature.
As a counterpoint, I want to suggest that while film mediates the
construction of individual and group memories, and in particular
memories of war, it does so in ways which are never mechanical and
which, in their variety and subtle power, reach di√erent collectives in