to compute the pressure field on larger scale. More recently, such a sequential multiscale
modeling strategy has been used to study macroscopic propert ies of fluids and solids usin g
parameters that are obtained successively starting from models of quantum mechanics
[19, 46].
If the missing information is a function of many variables, then precomputing such
a function might be too costly. For this reason, sequential coupling has been limited
mainly to situations when the needed information is just a small number of parameter
values or functions of very few variables. Indeed, for this reason, sequential coupling is
often referred to as parameter passing.
An alternative approach is to obtain the missing information “on the fly” as the
computation proceeds. This is commonly referred to as the concurrent coupling approach
[1]. It is preferred when the missing information is a function of many variables. Assume
that we are solving a macroscopic model in d dimension, with mesh size ∆x, and we
need to obtain some data from a microscopic model at each grid point. The number of
data evaluation in a concurrent approach would be roughly O((∆x)
). In a sequential
approach, assuming that the needed data is a function of m variables, then the number
of force evaluation in the precomputing stage would be O(h
) if a uniform grid of size
h is used in the computation. Assuming that h ∼ ∆x, then the concurrent approach is
more efficient if m > d. This is certainly the case in Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics
(see Chapter 6) where the inter-atomic forces are functions of all atomic coordinates.
Hence m can easily be on the order of thousands.
However, as was pointed out in [27], the efficiency of precomputing can be im-
proved with more efficient look-up tables and interpolation techniques. For example,
if sparse grids are used and if the grid size is h, then the number of grid points needed
is O(|log(h)|
/h). This is significantly less than the cost on the uniform grid, making
precomputing quite feasible if m is below 8 or 10. Examples of the application of sparse
grids to sequential coupling can be found in [27].
The most appropriate approach for a particular problem depends a lot on how much
we know about the macroscale process. Take again the example of incompressible fluids.
We know that the macroscale model should be in the form of (1.2.3). The only issue is
the form or expression of τ. We can distinguish three cases.
1. A linear constitutive relation is sufficiently accurate. We only need to know the
value of the viscosity coefficient µ in (1.2.5).