be oblique and may change the river route. Furthermore, the repair
and maintenance of two independent structures, as well as stone
apron replenishment at three locations, would be expensive. It sug-
gests that a subsidiary weir 800ft (244m) or 600ft (183m) from the
barrage crest may have serious hydraulic concerns if constructed.
Either of the subsidiary weir arrangements would be larger, and cost-
lier than the existing barrage. Table 2 shows the salient dimensions of
subsidiary weirs, various rehabilitation scenarios and the barrage itself.
Loose stone apron at stable slope
The Feasibility Report [8] and Alternative Report [7] noted that the
loose stone apron downstream of the concrete block floor displaces
excessively at Jinnah barrage. Presently, the loose stone apron is placed
at EL670, which will be at EL662 if designed as per USBR guidelines.
Velocity and kinetic energy remains higher and the stone apron will be
launched if not placed in the proper size and at a stable slope.
One possible solution could be the extension of a concrete block
floor at the slope of 1:5 for a length of about 25ft (7.6m); allowing
the loose stone apron to be placed at a lower level. The Alternative
Report [7] proposed a loose stone apron at the slope of 1V:15H,
which starts from the concrete block floor (EL670) and ends at
EL662. This arrangement makes the barrage safe from ill effects of
retrogression, scouring and launching of the stone apron. The pro-
posal was tested on the physical model (Figure 4) and it worked well
for gated and ungated flow.
Furthermore, the stone apron finishes within the existing divide
walls without affecting the function of fish ladders. It is a logical,
economical and hydraulically suited solution.
Two-step stilling basin
Instead of filling the scoured area with stone, a second stilling basin
could be added just at the end of the existing concrete block floor
(Figures 2 and 5). The additional stilling basin will act as an integral
part of the existing barrage. In this arrangement a cumulative hydrau-
lic performance of both the basins is to be considered.
The second stilling basin floor may be fixed at EL659, which was
the same as for the subsidiary weir proposed by the Feasibility Report
[8]. Furthermore, the end sheet pile was proposed at EL648, which
protects the stilling basin from the ill effects of local scouring and
A concrete block floor with inverted filter to mitigate seepage
and uplifts could be developed underneath the existing barrage and
proposed structure [7]. An end sheet pile, along with inverted filter
arrangement overlaid by concrete block floor, could control seepage,
uplift and movement of fines. Gaps could be provided through the
weir to facilitate shingle movement along with water.
Furthermore, the arrangement finishes within the existing divide
walls and will not change the function of the undersluices and fish
ladders. This arrangement also avoids the possibility of piping under-
neath the barrage. The proposal was tested on the physical model and
it worked well. It is more expensive than stone replenishment, but
may be provided if needed.
The Jinnah barrage downstream glacis length is 24ft (7.3m)
(1:3 slope), which is inadequate to keep hydraulic jump over it.
Deficiency in glacis length cannot be addressed without lower-
ing the stilling basin floor level. Therefore, the energy dissipation
system at Jinnah barrage cannot be categorized as jump type;
rather it is impact cum jump type.
Various rehabilitation scenarios are discussed in terms of their
hydraulic functioning and financial impact. A subsidiary weir
either at 600ft (183m) or 800ft (244m) would not have any
hydraulic/structural significance; instead it could result in the fur-
ther launching of loose stone. An extension of the divide walls
will develop three channels between the barrage and subsidiary
weir, and their construction would be challenging as deep scour
pits already exist. Failure of divide walls could be catastrophic, as
repair work would be very difficult.
The replenishment of the loose stone apron at the launching
slope is a more hydraulically suited and economical rehabilitation
solution and may be adopted at the Jinnah Barrage, although the
provision of a second stilling basin in the weir section of the bar-
rage would also be an efficient rehabilitation solution. Since it can
be completed within the existing divide walls; the functions of the
undersluices, fishladders and navigation bay may not be affected. It
is more expensive than stone replenishment but could be utilised if
a more permanent solution is needed.
Dr Zulfiquar Ali Chaudhry, Professor, Civil Engineering
Department, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
The author is thankful to Mr. Shakoor, Senior Model
Expert, for technical discussions and valuable suggestions
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[5] Mahboob. S.I., The Kalabagh Barrage, Punjab Engineering Congress, Paper
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[6] Mahboob. S.I, Design and Construction of Kalabagh Barrage, Punjab
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[7] Chaudhry. A. Z., Nasim N. H., Shakoor. A., Alternative Report to Subsidiary
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[8] Feasibility Report, Jinnah Barrage, Submitted by Joint Venture of
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[9] Feasibility Review Report, Rehabilitation and Modernization of Jinnah
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Table 2: Water levels maintained/
observed at the physical model
study carried at IRI, Nadipur
Water depth of the barrage (ft)
Floor at el
of sloping
Prevailing Subsidiary weir
at 600ft with
crest at
Subsidiary weir
at 800ft with
crest at
EL675 El 676 El 676
50,000 11.7 3.7 8.45 9.3 9.5
100,000 13.3 5.3 9.9 10.37 10.55
300,000 18.1 10.1 13.5 14 14.25
500,000 21.7 13.7 16.35 16.9 17.2
750,000 25.7 17.6 19.6 20.4 20.25
850,000 26.2 19 20.7 22.5 21.25
950,000 28 20 21.65 23.15 22.35