A sweep algorithm maintains a queue of events, in this case the given points,
sorted by x-coordinate. Thus, it is easy to continually discard points that trail
the front by a distance > 5. When answering a query, we consider only the
"active" points, i.e. those that lie in a narrow strip of width ~ to the left of the
front. Depending on where the current event p lies on the front, any of the active
points can form a new closest pair with p. We maintain the active points, sorted
by y-coordinate, in a table that permits fast "dictionary operations": find, insert,
delete, predecessor and successor.
This standard data type "dictionary" can be implemented using a dozen
different data structures, resulting in different performance characteristics. We
aim at an algorithm that runs in time
in the worst case. Balanced
trees implement dictionary operations with a worst case time bound of O(log k),
where k is the number of entries in the dictionary -- for our sweep algorithm,
k < n. Predecessor and successor require only time O(1). The asymptotic run-
time analysis that follows does not depend on the specific choice of data structure
but only on the existence of data structures that guarantee a time bound of
O(log n) for each dictionary operation.
The current event p is inserted into the table according to its y-coordinate
Vertically, p lies in the middle of the 2 ~-range of the rectangular query.
Starting at p, we scan the active points in the table both upwards, applying the
operation "successor" until we exit from the rectangle at coordinate
+ 5 ; as
well as downwards, applying "predecessor" until we exit from the rectangle at
p.y - 5.
Thus, we have visited each point q in the rectangle and submitted it to
a distance computation
d(p, q).
The total time required for processing an event
p thus adds up to:
p) +
(~ of points q in the rectangle) × (predecessor or successor + evaluate
d(p, q)).
Insert requires time O(log n); predecessor, successor and evaluate
d(p, q)
time O(1). The number of points in the rectangle is < 5. Thus, processing an
event is dominated by the insertion of p into the dictionary and takes time
O(Iogn). With a total of n events we have found a simple, efficient
algorithm for the problem of the closest pair. Assuming that standard operations
such as sorting and dictionary access can be obtained from a program library,
this sweep algorithm takes at most one additional page of source code.
The success of sweep algorithms is due to a clever trick. By treating the x-a~is
as a time-dimension, a 2-d problem is reduced to a sequence of 1-d problems. For
1-d data, i.e. totally ordered domains, we know various efficient data structures.
Thanks to these, sweep algorithms succeed in processing n 1-d problems, each of
which may involve n data items, in time
rather than in time O(n2).
Unfortunately, this idea does not generalize efficiently to higher dimensions, tf
we sweep 3-d space with a plane, we transform a 3-d problem into a sequence of
2-d problems. The latter generates queries in a 2-d data space, and for these we
rarely have data structures that answer queries in logarithmic time. We leave
the discussion of spatial data structures to the survey in Chapter