8.1 Thesis
mers were cross-linked to achieve similar elastic
moduli, and both respond to changes in proton
chemical energy, AjiAn = (-2.3RTApH)An. In the
following paragraphs, visual comparisons will be
made with reference to Figures 5.34 (comparing
Hill coefficients) and 5.35 (comparing the area
of acid base titration curves).
The statement of efficiency, r|, for proton-
driven chemomechanical engines can be
written as r| = fAL/A|iiAn = fAL/(-2.3RT
ApH)An. Because the chemical energy, AjLiAn, is
proportional to the change in pH, the slope of
the acid-base titration curve provides an imme-
diate comparison, where an increase in the
magnitude of the Hill coefficient means a
proportionately greater efficiency. The Hill
coefficient for PMA is 0.5, whereas, as seen in
Figure 5.34, that for E/4F is 2.7, suggesting on
this basis an expectation of at least a fivefold
more efficient energy conversion by E/4F.
The chemical energy also contains the
number of moles of proton, Ann, consumed in
the process. To consider both
acid-base titration curve can be used. The y-
axis contains the amount of acid consumed on
protonating the carboxylates, and the x-axis
provides the ApH required to do so. Accord-
ingly, the area defined by the acid-base titration
curve gives a measure of the chemical energy.
Because PMA has one carboxyl for every two-
backbone atoms, whereas E/4F has only one
carboxyl for every 90-backbone atoms, many
more protons will be consumed on driving the
PMA chemomechanical engine, as is apparent
from Figure 5.35. Missing in this comparison,
however, is the amount of work performed by
each engine. As discussed below, this is directly
determined and compared in Figure 5.36.
Experimental Comparison Following
pH Dependence of Length at Fixed Force
Using Acid-Base Titration Curves,
That Is, During Actual Performance of
Mechanical Work
Figure 5.36 shows the change in length for the
constant load of 2 grams, where the changes in
length, despite very different consumptions of
energy, are quite similar. In the comparison in
Figure 5.36, the PMA engine required 6.86 x
mole of protons, whereas the E/4F engine
requires 6.12x 10"^ mole of protons. If compar-
ison is made for the best AL/ApH slopes for
each engine, as shown in Figure 5.36, the ratio
of efficiencies, r|ap/r|cc is of the order of 40.
Clearly, in the aqueous milieu of biology the
electrostatic mechanism of charge-charge repul-
sion is not a serious contender for the efficient
machines available to biology. As noted in
section, ionizable functional amino acids
and other polar prosthetic groups forced,
through the process of biosynthesis (see
Chapter 6), to coexist within a protein chain
with substantial hydrophobic residues provides
the ingredients for efficient protein function. Efficiency of Electro-chemical
Transduction in Water
Experimental Data on
Electro-chemical Transduction Efficiency
The previous considerations of energy conver-
sion resulted in the performance of mechanical
work, and, for the considered model proteins,
there is the obvious realization that hydro-
phobic association is tantamount to contrac-
tion. The control of hydrophobic association,
however, can interconvert any two energies
that can individually drive hydrophobic as-
sociation. The example here draws from the
demonstration that reduction of a redox couple
can power contraction by driving hydrophobic
association and that protonation of a carboxyl
can do likewise. Both processes, protonation of
a carboxylate and reduction of a redox group,
effect a decrease in AGHA, and both functional
groups are affected by any
shown in
Figures 5.20B, 5.23, 5.25, 5.29, 5.31, 5.32, 5.34,
and 5.35B, Chapter 5 is replete with hydropho-
bic-induced pKa shifts. Equivalent hydropho-
bic-induced shifts in reduction potential for
amino-methyl nicotinamide are shown in
Figure 5.20C. Because pKa values and reduc-
tion potential are both coupled to hydro-
phobicity, it is to be expected that a change in
redox state that changes hydrophobicity would
bring about a change in pKa and vice versa.
Here we demonstrate the efficiency of that con-
version for a modest level of host polymer