Design and Development of Megawatt Wind Turbines 233
from the weather. Hub fairings are largely aesthetic, although they do enhance the
fl ow fi eld for certain turbine designs that have large nacelles (e.g. DD) and provide
anchorage for safety rails that are used to enter the hub.
Figure 30 plots the specifi c volume (m
/tonne) for a number of WT nacelles.
The combination of a drivetrain, bedplate and nacelle is typically referred to as the
MH and the amount of volume required to house these components are indica-
tive of material effi ciency. There appear to be two characteristic trends for the
data where the heavier line represents designs that better utilize nacelle volume.
Curve [B1] illustrates the transition from sub-MW machines to 2 − 3 MW where
personnel access and serviceability considerations peak in the 1 − 2 MW ranges.
As turbines get larger, it is projected that specifi c volumes will gradually decline.
This is due primarily to a smaller proportion of space required for personnel and
service access and the desire to minimize frontal area for better performance and
shipping logistics.
To illustrate this further, point /C/ of Fig. 30 is for a 9.5 MW turbine assuming
the same specifi c volume of around 2.2 m
/tonne for today’s best 1 − 2 MW
machines. Points /D/ and /E/ are for specifi c volumes of 0.7 and 0.5, respectively.
Using a MHM of 305 tonnes (representing an improved technology DD at 9.5
MW size), points /C/, /D/ and /E/ would imply MH volumes of 671, 214 and
153 m
, and represent cubes with side dimensions of 8.75, 5.98 and 5.34 m,
Future large turbine nacelle and nose cone technology are likely to trend
towards their elimination. Designs using integrated drivetrain and structure will
obviate the need for a separate nacelle covering and is consistent with lower
MH-specifi c volumes for larger turbines. Elimination of a separate hub fairing
should be possible for larger turbines. Most of today’s turbine designs will not
have a measurable performance impact for eliminating the nose fairing, so
removal is further justifi ed.
4.4.15 Tower
Towers are presently constructed using steel or concrete materials. The structure is
typically tubular or lattice. Lattice towers require less material for a given strength
than tubular towers, but for labour-intensive fastener and aesthetic reasons (among
a number of others), tubular steel towers are the most prevalent. There are also
many forms of hybrid towers, which combine varying amounts of these materials
and construction types. The use of GFRP or other cost-effective materials yet to be
identifi ed may play a role in future large WT support structures.
As the industry trends towards larger power ratings and rotor diameters, towers
must also increase in height and strength. Because the tower typically comprises
over half the total mass of the WT itself (excluding the foundation), translating to
about one-fi fth of the cost, value analysis and searching for breakthrough concepts
for new tower technologies represents a signifi cant opportunity for improving
large WT economics.
The solid line in Fig. 31 is an estimate of the industry study set trend for increas-
ing tower mass with larger WTs. The dashed line is the trend for the 10-turbine
analysis group. Future large WTs in the 7 − 10-MW size range will need the overall