Nearly eight years elapsed between the initial selection of authors and
the submission of the edited manuscript to Cambridge University
During those eight rewarding and taxing years I learned a great
deal more about the medieval history of Japan and wrote over four
hundred letters. As in making good wine, the process of writing,
translating, and editing can proceed only slowly. And because of the
period covered, coordinating the use and translation of Japanese terms
and concepts further lengthened the process.
I feel confident that the volume that emerged is worthy of the years
I believe that the principal goal of producing a volume useful
to a wide readership has been attained and that all the chapters in this
volume can benefit both beginning and advanced students wishing to
deepen and broaden their knowledge of Japan's medieval period.
Above all, I believe that these chapters collectively bring Japan's medi-
eval age as a whole into sharper focus.
Conventional romanization is used throughout this volume for Japa-
nese and Korean terms, and the Wade-Giles system is followed for
Chinese terms. Japanese and Chinese personal names follow their na-
tive form, with surname preceding given name, except in citations of
Japanese authors writing English.
I express my sincere gratitude to all who played a vital part in mak-
ing this volume possible. First to be thanked are the authors who
patiently responded to my queries and suggestions and the transla-
tors who struggled with many thorny problems. I especially owe a
great deal to two of the authors, Jeffrey Mass and Keiji Nagahara,
who provided me with valuable advice on many substantive and
editorial matters. My deep appreciation is due also to the General
Editors, who guided me generously in every step of the long pro-
and to two of my graduate students, Martha Lane and Karla
Pearson, who assisted me tirelessly and ably in all that had to be
done to convert fourteen essays written on both sides of the Pacific
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