the work to catch up on. Get a blog rocking, and then jump
on the wave with the latest and greatest trend of microblog-
ging. Keep reading. This is going to rock your world.
Blogging: What Is a Blog?
A blog is simply a Web site that is a compilation of ideas,
thoughts, events, photos, or other content-based information
that the author is interested in sharing. People started blog-
ging in 1999 and, due to the ease of deployment and use,
the relatively low cost, and the ability to reach a wide audi-
ence, they have been increasing in popularity ever since.
Blogs are typically composed mainly of text content, but can
and do include such elements as photos, videos, audio, and
flash. Over 60% of the Web sites on the Internet today still
do not have any type of blog. If you don’t have a blog, you
are missing out on traffic. Blogs are a great way of develop-
ing a following, starting a cultural trend or a political move-
ment, establishing yourself as an expert, landing a book
deal, and paying yourself through ad sales to indulge in
your favorite expensive hobby. You can make a lot of money
via blogs, either directly as companies recognize your site as
a great place to advertise their own products and services, or
indirectly as you become increasingly recognized as an
expert and are paid for your advice or insights.
The top three blog systems are WordPress, Blogger, and
TypePad. WordPress has the majority of the market share
due to the vast amount of add-ons available. But Blogger
and TypePad have been noted as easier to use and still
maintain quite a few blogs on their servers.
The Two Key Types of Blogs
The two primary types of blogs are personal blogs and cor-
porate/business blogs. There are other variations, but these
are the main two that you see the most often:
From Blogging to Microblogging