3. For each addin define whether it is to be loaded and if so when. To do this select the addin
concerned and enable the appropriate checkbox under "Load Behavior".
4. To unload an addin, select the addin concerned and disable the "Load/Unload" checkbox
under "Load Behavior".
5. Click OK.
Depending how the addin is programmed, the function contained in the addin is either listed
in the "Tools" > "AddIns" menu or reacts to an event handler in the Graphics Designer.
If the addin is started by means of an event handler (e.g. Started Event), the "On Startup"
checkbox should be enabled for the addin.
See also
Linking Add Ins (Page 2415)
AddIns (Page 2414)
4.5.4 Example: Creating Add Ins Example: Creating Add Ins
In order to create Addins, this documentation contains an example for Visual Basic 6.0, which
creates a runable Addin for use in the Graphic Designer.
MS Visual Studio 6.0 must be installed on the configuration computer.
You should have programming experience if you wish to use the sample code as a basis for
developing addins of your own.
Example: Program Template for Visual Basic 6.0
Use the event handler "AddInInstance_OnConnection" to generate an instance of the Graphics
Designer. In order for the addin to be able to access the Graphics Designer, it is mandatory
to declare the application.
See also
Example: Creating an Add In with Visual Basic 6.0 (Page 2419)
Linking Add Ins (Page 2415)
VBA for Automated Configuration
4.5 AddIns
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,