See also
ToolTipText Property (Page 2310)
BorderBackColor Property (Page 2035)
Selection Object (Listing) (Page 1949)
HMIObjects Object (Listing) (Page 1884)
HMIDefaultObjects Object (Listing) (Page 1878)
AddHMIObject Method (Page 1719)
VBA Reference (Page 1664)
Editing Objects with VBA (Page 1606)
Width Property (Page 2408)
Visible Property (Page 2405)
Top Property (Page 2311)
RotationAngle Property (Page 2274)
ReferenceRotationTop Property (Page 2271)
ReferenceRotationLeft Property (Page 2270)
PointCount Property (Page 2256)
PasswordLevel Property (Page 2244)
Operation Property (Page 2237)
Name Property (Page 2228)
Left Property (Page 2192)
Layer Property (Page 2160)
Index Property (Page 2145)
Height Property (Page 2139)
FlashRateBorderColor Property (Page 2120)
FlashRateBackColor Property (Page 2119)
FlashBorderColor Property (Page 2112)
FlashBackColor Property (Page 2111)
FillStyle Property (Page 2108)
FillingIndex Property (Page 2107)
Filling Property (Page 2106)
FillColor Property (Page 2104)
BorderWidth Property (Page 2045)
BorderStyle Property (Page 2043)
BorderFlashColorOn Property (Page 2042)
BorderFlashColorOff Property (Page 2040)
BorderColor Property (Page 2036)
BackFlashColorOn Property (Page 2022)
BackFlashColorOff Property (Page 2021)
BackColor Property (Page 2017)
ActualPointTop Property (Page 1998)
ActualPointLeft Property (Page 1997)
VBA for Automated Configuration
4.4 The object model of the Graphics Designer
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,