See also
GetTagWord example (Page 1505)
Functionality of the GetTag functions (Page 1355) set
Principle of the SetTag functions
The SetTagXXX function assigns the job a value to write and returns immediately to the caller.
In this case, the system does not wait until value is actually written.
The call is marked by the following:
● The call is fast.
● The caller does not know when the value is actually written.
● The function provides no information on the state of the write job.
The function SetTagXXXWait assigns the job of writing a value and will first return to the caller
when the value has actually been written.
The call is marked by the following:
● The call takes longer in comparison to SetTagXXX. The duration is also dependent on the
channel and AS, amongst other things.
● The value is written after the call.
● The function provides no information on the state of the write job.
The function SetTagXXXState has the same features as SetTagXXX; plus the function returns
information regarding the status of the write request.
Since the status is always provided internally, there is no performance difference compared
to SetTagXXX.
The function SetTagXXXStateWait has the same features as SetTagXXXWait; plus the
function returns information regarding the status of the write request.
Since the status is always provided internally, there is no performance difference compared
to SetTagXXXWait.
The difference between the functions SetTagXXXStateWait and SetTagXXXState
corresponds to the difference between SetTagXXXWait and SetTagXXX.
ANSI-C function descriptions
3.3 Internal functions
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,