52 2 Function spaces
2.2.1 Norms and convergence
We can seldom write down an exact solution function to a real-world problem. We are
usually forced to use numerical methods, or to expand as a power series in some small
parameter. The result is a sequence of approximate solutions f
(x), which we hope will
converge to the desired exact solution f (x) as we make the numerical grid smaller, or
take more terms in the power series.
Because there is more than one way to measure of the “size” of a function, the con-
vergence of a sequence of functions f
to a limit function f is not as simple a concept as
the convergence of a sequence of numbers x
to a limit x. Convergence means that the
distance between the f
and the limit function f gets smaller and smaller as n increases,
so each different measure of this distance provides a new notion of what it means to
converge. We are not going to make much use of formal “ε, δ” analysis, but you must
realize that this distinction between different forms of convergence is not merely aca-
demic: real-world engineers must be precise about the kind of errors they are prepared to
tolerate, or else a bridge they design might collapse. Graduate-level engineering courses
in mathematical methods therefore devote much time to these issues. While physicists
do not normally face the same legal liabilities as engineers, we should at least have it
clear in our own minds what we mean when we write that f
→ f .
Here are some common forms of convergence:
(i) If, for each x in its domain of definition D, the set of numbers f
(x) converges to
f (x), then we say the sequence converges pointwise.
(ii) If the maximum separation
(x) − f (x)| (2.6)
goes to zero as n →∞, then we say that f
converges to f uniformly on D.
(iii) If
(x) − f (x)|dx (2.7)
goes to zero as n →∞, then we say that f
converges in the mean to f on D.
Uniform convergence implies pointwise convergence, but not vice versa.IfD is a finite
interval, then uniform convergence implies convergence in the mean, but convergence
in the mean implies neither uniform nor pointwise convergence.
Example: Consider the sequence f
= x
(n = 1, 2, ...) and D =[0, 1). Here, the round
and square bracket notation means that the point x = 0 (Figure 2.1) is included in the
interval, but the point 1 is excluded.
As n becomes large we have x
→ 0 pointwise in D, but the convergence is not
uniform because
− 0|=1 (2.8)