11.4 Other a posteriori multiple comparison tests
There are many other multiple comparison tests. These include the LSD,
Bonferroni, Scheffe and Student–Newman–Keuls. The most commonly
used are the Tukey and Student–Newman–Keuls (Zar, 1996). Most statis-
tical packages offer you a wide choice of these tests, the relative merits of
which are discussed in more advanced texts.
11.5 Planned comparisons
Instead of making a large number of indiscriminate unplanned a poste-
riori comparisons, a better a pproach can be to make a small number of
more careful (a priori m eaning “before the event”) comparisons. For
example, in Section 11.3.2 you may have a good reason based on outcrop
appearance or geographical proximity to propose the following two a
priori hypotheses: “ Oxyg en isotopic r atios of tourmalines at Black
Mountain are significantly different than those at Mount Mica” and
“Oxygen isotopic ratios of tourmalines at Black Mountain are signifi-
cantly different than those at the Sebago Batholith.” An ANOVA will test
for differences among treatments with an α of 0.05 and also give a good
estimateofthesamplevariancefrom the MS error, since this has been
calculated from all the individuals used for this overall comparison. Next,
however, instead of making a large number of unplanned comparisons,
you could carry out two t tests comparing the mean oxygen isotopic ratio
at B lack Mountain and Mount Mica, and Black Mounta in and the Sebago
If you make only one planned comparison the probability of Type 1 error
is an acceptable 0.05. If you make several a priori comparisons that really
have been planned for particular reasons before the experiment (e.g. the
two listed above), then each is a distinct and different hypothesis, so the risk
of a Type 1 error is still an acceptable 0.05. It is only when you make
indiscriminate comparisons that the risk of Type 1 error increases and
you should consider using one of the a posteriori tests described previously,
which maintains an α of 0.05.
To make a planned comparison after a single factor ANOVA you use the
formula for a t test from Chapter 8 except that you use the mean square
error as the best estimate of s
138 Multiple comparisons after ANOVA