Far East and even in Russia as a w ho le
m isleading the public and restraining the rap id developm ent of
Russian trade co
But in the last two years along w ith the in
dep th
developm ent of bilateral strategic partnership
China threat
clamor w as replaced by the appeal
stronger cooperation w ith China
The Chinese in the Far East are no longer considered as a
but are valued as a factor p romoting the steady econom ic developm ent in the Far East
There are m any reasons accounting for this change
but the point here is that this change w ill
definitely bring a broad perspective for China to develop extensive labo r co
operation w ith Russia
Sure enough
it rem ains essential for the two parties to m ake concerted efforts for the solution of
m any p roblem s in this field
Zhang Xin &W u Nanlin
Putin’s six year rule in Russia has revived the
po lar bear
w hich w as
once in death agonies under Yeltsin
Russia now finds itself in a stabilized political situation coup led
w ith econom ic rehabilitation
Econom ic grow th is the basis of the Russian uplift
The articlem akes an
invento ry of the Russian national econom y under Putin’s second term of office
further analyzes the
favorable factors that contributed to such splendid results
summ arizes the app raisal of Putin’s ruling
hom e and abroad and m akes a perspective of the next Russian moves
Feng L ianyong & Shen Jianfeng
Through analyzing the necessity of Chinese
Kazakhstan oil
and gas co
operation and its status quo
the article deep ly observes its great importance
good basis
and trem endous development space
Through analyzing the comp lem entariness of such co
the article rationally anticipates a better grasp of its developm ental orientation and tendency
further defines our guidelines for its deepening
w hich w ill better benefit our grasp of initiative at the
strategic plane
L i Shuyin
Geopolitically vital T ran Caucasia is a region of interest to traditional and strategic
Russian forces
but along w ith the continuousm eddling ofW estern and regional pow ers in its affairs
there is an increasingly serious centrifugal trend among three countries in the region
especially that of
Geo rgia and A zerbaijan from Russia
w hich is facing a stern challenge in security interest in the
The article m akes an emphatic analysis of the regional situation’s impact on Russian political
econom ic and m ilitary as w ell as security interests
and expounds the difficulties p laguing Russia
in grasp ing the regional affair language pow er
and resto ring the traditional impact on the regional
affairs and controlling the Casp ian Sea energy and transport route
俄罗斯中亚东欧研究 2006 年第3 期・英文提要・