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Copyright by PNO 1997 - all rights reserved
- For all broadcast communication relationships as a receiver the LSAP 63 shall
be activated with the following parameters:
Access: All
Service: SDN, Role_in_service = Responder
The values of the other parameters result from the entries of the broadcast
communication relationships in the static part of the LLI CRL.
- For every multicast communication relationship as a receiver the assigned
LSAP shall be activated with the following parameters:
Access: All
Service: SDN, Role_in_service = Responder
The values of the other parameters result from the entries of the multicast
communication relationships in the static part of the LLI CRL.
At the slave
- For every communication relationship of type MSAC or MSCY which is registered
in the CRL, the assigned RSAP shall be activated with the service RSAP Acti-
vate FMA1/2 with the following parameters:
Access: Rem_add, if connection attribute = "D"
All, if connection attribute = "O"
Indication_mode: Data
The values of the other parameters result from the entries of the master -
slave communication relationships in the static part of the LLI CRL.
- For all broadcast communication relationships as a receiver, the LSAP 63
shall be activated with the following parameters:
Access: All
Service: SDN, Role_in_service = Responder
The values of the other parameters result from the entries of the broadcast
communication relationships in the static part of the LLI CRL.
- For every multicast communication relationship as a receiver, the assigned
LSAP shall be activated with the following parameters:
Access: All
Service: SDN, Role_in_service = Responder
The values of the other parameters result from the entries of the multicast
communication relationships in the static part of the LLI CRL.
6.7 Formal Description of the LLI State Machines
The formal description of LLI is based upon a model. It describes the LLI proto-
col with the help of state machines (represented by state diagrams). The proto-
col sequences are described by different states (represented by ellipses with
the name of the state) and transitions between states (represented by lines with
arrows). State changes are caused by events (for example time out) combined with
conditions. The state changes in turn lead to actions or reactions.
Three different kinds of state machines are distinguished between:
a) the basic state machine of the LLI (start)
b) the CREF related state machines (connection establishment, open,
connection release, DTU)
c) the service related state machines (DTC, DTCC, DTA, IDLE)
The description of the state transitions is similar to the draft ISO 8802 Part
4. The elements used are the sequence (current state, event / condition => ac-
tion, next state) as well as constants, variables, service primitives, functions
and procedures.
The detailed description of the state transitions and actions is structured for
every state change as follows:
The first line defines the current state, the name of the transition and the
next state. Below, in the subsequent lines, shall follow: