Subject Index 761
recovery strategy (survivability), 387–88, 389
recursion, 360
redundancy, diversity and, 343–44, 363, 383
redundancy requirements (functional reliability
requirement), 328
reengineering (software reengineering), 248–50,
refactoring, 44, 66, 71, 250–52, 257
reference architectures, 171
regression testing, 223
regulation, of software, 407
release, 684
release management, 682, 699–701, 702
release testing, 224–27
reliability (system reliability), 4, 5, 8, 269, 270–71,
295–99, 306
growth modeling, 402, 403
metrics, 322–24, 336
requirements, 324–28, 336
specification, 320–28
testing, 401–4
remote procedure calls (RPCs), 486, 498
repairability, 269, 293
replicated architectures, 348
reporting, 595, 695
repository architectural pattern, 159–60, 172
representation checks, 357
requirements (software requirements), 12, 83
agile methods and, 84
analysis and definition (life-cycle phase), 31
change management, 113–14
classification and organization, 101
definition of, 83, 115
design spiral, 279–80
development, 278
discovery, 101, 103–4
document (software requirements specification),
91–94, 115
elicitation/analysis, 37, 100–110, 115
enduring, 112
evolution, 111
functional, 84–87, 115, 310
management, 100, 111–14, 115
modification (reuse-based development), 35
non-functional, 85, 87–91, 115, 310
prioritization and negotiation, 101
reviews, 110, 111, 346, 347
risks, 598, 599
specification, 37–38, 84, 85, 86, 94–96, 102
testing (requirements-based), 224–25
traceability, 113, 114, 225, 409, 601
validation, 38, 99, 110–11, 115
volatile, 112
requirements engineering, 6, 9, 12, 24, 28, 36–38, 53,
agile methods and, 63
concern-oriented, 577–80
defined, 53
resistance strategy (survivability), 387, 389
resource allocation system, architecture of, 437
resource management systems, 167–69, 172, 436, 437,
460, 546, 558, 561
resource utilization metrics, 711–12, 729
respect (people management), 603
responsibility, ethical/professional, 14–17, 24
restart capabilities, 361
RESTful services, 483, 511, 512, 536
reuse (software reuse), 12, 24, 30, 35–36, 53, 190,
193–95, 201, 425–51
reuse model (COCOMO II), 640–42
reuse-oriented software engineering, 30, 35–36, 53,
426–28, 453
reverse engineering, 249, 250
reviews, 208, 218
/checklists (hazard analysis), 317
inspections and, 663–68
review process, 664–65
rework, 31, 39, 44, 57, 58, 72, 110, 278, 599, 600,
623, 643
risk, 301. See also specific risks
analysis, 311–12, 313, 321, 330–32, 336, 597,
decomposition stage, 312, 313, 322
driven requirements specification, 311–12
driven security requirements process, 330–32
identification, 311, 313, 321, 597, 598
indicators, 602
management, 49, 50, 330, 595–602
monitoring, 597, 602
planning, 597, 600–602
reduction, 312, 313, 319–20, 322
triangle, 315–16
types, 600
robot control system, 148, 149
robustness (process characteristic), 346, 709
ROCOF (rate of occurrence of failure), 332–34,
roles (software processes), 28
RPCs (remote procedure calls), 486, 498
RTOS. See real-time operating systems
Ruby, 12, 79, 432
RUP (Rational Unified Process), 50–53, 178