10 Introduction to Basic Manufacturing Processes and Workshop Technology
The choice of production type dictates the machine requirements, organizational system to
a large extent, layout planning and inventory subsystems. Three main types of production are
job, batch and flow or process production. The simplest way is to classify based on production
and processes by lot size, namely single unit production, small lot production, moderate lot
production, large lot production, and continuous production. The second classification comprises
three categories, namely small size production of a large variety of products, medium-scale
production of a limited range of products, and a large-scale production of a small variety of
products. Obviously, this method is related to the number of product types and production lot
sizes, and is an effective means of analyzing modern production management. The third
classification is related to the size of the production system expressed through the number
of employees or the amount of fixed assets involved, namely small production unit employing
less than 30 employees, medium-small having 30 to 300 employees, medium with 301 to 2,000
employees and large with 2001 to 15,000 employees, and a giant corporation employing more
than 15,000 employees
Job shop production deals the manufacture of very small lots, often of single jobs. This
may be required in special situations for the purpose of proving a design, making prototypes,
in tool making or for special purpose applications. In view of the very small lot, no special
purpose machines or tooling can be economically justified. Hence, the manufacturing has to
be carried on with the general purpose machines and tooling, which is a very lengthy and
often an error prone process.
Manufacturing basically implies making of goods or articles and providing services to meet
the needs of mankind. It creates value by useful application of physical and mental-labor in
the process. It is a chain of interrelated activities of production process and other support
services activities of an manufacturing environment such as order processing, product design,
design and manufacturing of tools, die, mould, jigs, fixtures and gauges, selection of material,
planning, managing and maintaining control of the processes, production, and reliable quality
of processed product in a systematic and sequential manner with proper coordination,
cooperation and integration of the whole manufacturing system that will lead to economical
production and effective marketing of proposed product in the minimum possible time. It is,
therefore, evident that manufacturing today is not a one man activity as it was in the initial
stages, wherein all the physical and mental inputs were applied by a single craftsman. These
days it has become totally a team work which consists of several components interacting
together in a dynamic manner. This entire domain of manufacturing is known as Manufacturing
System, which takes the required inputs and delivers the products for the customer. It is,
therefore, evident that manufacturing today is not a one man activity as it was in the
preliminary stages, wherein all the physical and mental inputs were provided by a single
workman. Today it is a team work which consists of several components interacting together
in a dynamic manner to provide the required physical and mental inputs at appropriate stages
to impart desired results. This entire domain of manufacturing is known as Manufacturing
System, which takes the required inputs and delivers the products for the customer.
Manufacturing system requires a large number of activities, few independent and rests
mostly interrelated. The manufacturing activities in a manufacturing system jointly contribute