Isotopes are atoms of the same element having different atomic mass because they
have a different number of neutrons in their nuclei with the identical number of
protons. Some isotopes are unstable due to a specific combination of neutrons and
protons which occurs naturally or can be artificially produced by bombarding the
target atoms with neutrons in a nuclear reactor or with charged particles in an
accelerator. These unstable nuclei attain their stability by emitting nuclear
radiations such as neutrons, alpha particles, beta (positron/electron) or gamma rays
and are termed as radioisotopes, while the term radioactivity is used to describe
these spontaneous, energy emitting, atomic transitions that involve changes in the
state of the nucleus of an atom. Radioactivity was discovered by A. H. Becquerel in
l896 when he was investigating the fluorescence of a double sulphate of uranium
and potassium, using a photographic plate. Marie Curie coined the word
radioactivitè, investigated this property in a number of minerals containing
uranium, which she found to be more active and subsequently polonium was
discovered. Readers are referred to read more in NCRP Report No.58, A Handbook
of Radioactivity Measurements and Procedures. Readers are referred to read more
in NCRP Report No.58, A Handbook of Radioactivity Measurements and
Radiation from radioisotopes plays a very important role in all fields, useful in our
life such as soil and earth science, radioactive dating, environment, archeology,
agriculture, biochemical analysis, radiotherapy and cancer treatment, medical
diagnosis, nuclear medicine, biological sciences, sterilization of medical products,
non-destructive elemental analysis and testing of materials, oceanography,
pharmaceutical, radioisotope power systems for space applications and many
The basic aim of this book is to present a very comprehensive review. Applications of
radioisotopes have been reviewed and compiled in chapters contributed by world
known authors in their respective specialized fields of research. The book contains
three sections; Radioisotopes and some physical aspects, Radioisotopes in
environment and Radioisotopes in power system for space applications.