X Preface
needs to be investigated considering the susceptibility to hydrolysis of the nitride
powders, particularly in the case of aluminium nitride. The shape and size optimiza-
tion problem of ceramic components for space and terrestrial telecommunication sys-
tems, which could be tackled by applying sophisticated design methodologies and
manufacturing technologies like the 3D stereolithography based rapid prototyping
technique. The high sintering temperature problem that precludes ZnNb
-oxide ceram-
ics (used in the new era of communication technology) application potential in the
multilayer technologies (e.g. low temperature co-fired ceramics), which can be over-
come by the usage of nano-sized ZnNb-oxide powders instead of micron-size pow-
ders. The case of grinding optimization in which several aspects and parameters of the
process need to be carefully considered which include but are not limited to: the prop-
erties of grinding media and the work piece, the energy required and its transfor-
mation to heat, the temperature generated and its affection of the machined part, the
possible generation of undesired stresses. The potential of ceria-based and related ma-
terials as solid electrolytes for alternative solid oxide fuel cells, as catalysts etc, needs
to be connected to their redox behaviour and the corresponding effects imposed by
fuels and fuels conditions. The alloy reinforcement by the addition of ceramic material
to the molten metal, needs to overcome matching problems of ceramic materials and
molten metals by way of adding the ceramic particles in a complex carbide form pre-
paring a master alloy which in turn will be further used to produce composite castings
or parts composed e.g. by a matrix of austenite and discrete carbide particles. The
problems arising in certain applications of sintering, which consists the main operation
in powder technology, can be identified and described using modern techniques based
on the Atomic Force Microscopy, by determining the dihedral surface angle of defined
compacts sintered in solid-phase under certain conditions. The surface modification
and properties induced by a laser beam in pressings of ceramic powders.
Finally, research on new production technologies and on new raw materials led to the
development of many of today’s advanced ceramics with unique properties suitable
for modern applications, i.e. research on deposition technology of slurries or suspen-
sions constituted of ceramic powders, dispersants, binders, solvents and plasticizers
for the preparation of solid oxide fuel cells (environmentally friendly energy conver-
sion systems to produce electrical energy with minimal environmental impact) and of
perovskite type ceramics as cathodes, lanthanum strodiun manganites for high tem-
perature cells, zirconia and ceria based ceramics as well as lanthanum gallate as elec-
trolytes in the cells, yttria stabilized zirconia as anodes etc.; research on economical
and efficient fabrication techniques and on the properties of many ceramic materials
and components for lasers applications; research on fabrication, characterization and
modeling of protonic ceramics for applications in intermediate temperature fuel cells
and steam electrolyzers, hydrogen separation membranes, and various membrane re-
actors for chemical synthesis.
The current book contains twenty-two chapters and is divided into three sections.