70 Learning Processing
// Fill a black color
if (mouseX < 100 & & mouseY < 100) {
} else if (mouseX > 100 & & mouseY < 100) {
} else if (mouseX < 100 & & mouseY > 100) {
} else if (mouseX > 100 & & mouseY > 100) {
Depending on the mouse location,
a different rectangle is displayed.
5.6 Boolean Variables
e natural next step up from programming a rollover is a button. After all, a button is just a rollover that
responds when clicked. Now, it may feel ever so slightly disappointing to be programming rollovers and
buttons. Perhaps you are thinking: “ Can’t I just select ‘ Add Button ’ from the menu or something? ” For us,
right now, the answer is no. Yes, we are going to eventually learn how to use code from a library (and you
might use a library to make buttons in your sketches more easily), but there is a lot of value in learning
how to program GUI (graphical user interface) elements from scratch.
For one, practicing programming buttons, rollovers, and sliders is an excellent way to learn the basics of
variables and conditionals. And two, using the same old buttons and rollovers that every program has is
not terribly exciting. If you care about and are interested in developing new interfaces, understanding how
to build an interface from scratch is a skill you will need.
OK, with that out of the way, we are going to look at how we use a boolean variable to program a button.
A boolean variable (or a variable of type boolean) is a variable that can only be true or false. ink of it
as a switch. It is either on or off . Press the button, turn the switch on. Press the button again, turn it off .
We just used a boolean variable in Example 5-2: the built-in variable mousePressed . mousePressed is true
when the mouse is pressed and false when the mouse is not.
And so our button example will include one boolean variable with a starting value of false (the assumption
being that the button starts in the off state).
boolean button = false;
In the case of a rollover, any time the mouse hovered over the rectangle, it turned white. Our sketch will
turn the background white when the button is pressed and black when it is not.
if (button) {
} else {
Exercise 5-6: Rewrite Example 5-3 so that the squares fade from white to black when the
mouse leaves their area. Hint: you need four variables, one for each rectangle’s color.
A boolean variables is either true of false.
If the value of button is true, the
background is white. If it is false, black.