Fran Allen
Allen: Software was the newest-of-the-new stuff that was going on. And it’s
also probably still to this day considered a soft part of the science. And
that’s where women gravitated. Early on they were programmers on ENIAC
and at Bletchley Park. Women were the computers—that was their name.
But in engineering and physics and the harder, older sciences there weren’t
as many women. It was just divided that way, early on.
Then women started to come out of the engineering schools. Now the
undergraduate percentage of women in engineering is somewhere around
20 percent. Carnegie Mellon would be much higher than that—they have
made a special effort. But in computer science, it’s essentially 8 percent.
There’s no domain that is as bad as computer science for women right now
in terms of numbers. “Bad” is the wrong word—it’s low.
Seibel: To play devil’s advocate, why does it matter whether we achieve,
say, Anita Borg’s goal of “50/50 by 2020,” meaning 50 percent women in
computer science by the year 2020? Why does it matter whether this one
particular field be representative of the population at large?
Allen: It’s such a transformative field for society as a whole. And without
the involvement of a diverse group of people, the results of what we do are
not going to be appealing or useful to all aspects of our society. A piece of
our challenge is to make computing, and all that it enables, accessible to
everyone. That’s an ideal. But it’s really where it’s going—the work at MIT
on the $100 computer and the way we’re trying to enable commerce at a
very low level through computing in the remote areas of underdeveloped
Seibel: So clearly the closer you get to the end user, the easier it is to
imagine that people with diverse experiences are going to bring different
ideas about how those users might like to interact with a computer. Again
playing devil’s advocate, what do you say to someone who says, “That’s all
well and good when we’re talking about designing applications, but when
you’re designing compiler optimizations, who cares about a diversity of
point of view?” Is it still valuable to have a diverse staff even when you’re
working on extremely technical aspects of software, like optimizing