Simon Peyton Jones
bugs. So for me I suppose beautiful code is code that is obviously right. It’s
kind of limpidly transparent.
Seibel: What about those little jewels of code that you almost have to
puzzle out how they work but once you do, it’s amazing. Are those also
Peyton Jones: Sometimes to say that it’s obviously right doesn’t mean that
you can see that it’s right without any mental scaffolding. It may be that you
need to be told an insight to figure out why it’s right. If you look at the code
for an AVL tree, if you didn’t know what it was trying to achieve, you really
wouldn’t have a clue why those rotations were taking place. But once you
know the invariant that it’s maintaining, you can see, ah, if we maintain that
invariant then we’ll get log lookup time. And then you look at each line of
code and you say, “Ah, yes, it maintains the invariant.” So the invariant is the
thing that gave you the insight to say, “Oh, it’s obviously right.”
I agree completely that just looking at the bare code may not be enough.
And it’s not a characteristic, I think, of beautiful code, that you should be
able to just look at the bare code and see why it’s right. You may need to
be told why. But after you have that, now with that viewpoint, that
invariant, that understanding of what’s going on, you can see, oh yeah, that’s
Seibel: Does that put an upper bound on how big a piece of software can
be and still be beautiful?
Peyton Jones: I don’t know if it’s a bound on its size. The insights that you
need in order to reassure yourself that it’s right, or at least right-ish, are
along the lines of being more confident that it’s correct. Any really, really big
piece of software is bound to have shortcomings or indeed outright things
that you just know are wrong with it. But it’s not economic to fix them at
the moment. It’s certainly true of GHC and it’s definitely true of Microsoft’s
But what makes big software manageable is having some global invariants or
big-picture statements about what it’s supposed to do and what things are
supposed to be true. So, to take GHC as another example, having this
invariant that each of these intermediate programs should be well typed.