Brendan Eich
Seibel: Is that even a good first-pass filter?
Eich: I’m skeptical. Google does that in spades, and they hire a bunch of
very bright puzzle-solvers. But some of them, their street smarts are not
necessarily there, and mature judgment. So I’m skeptical of it. I think we
have to do it to some extent because you can end up getting someone who
talks well, but actually isn’t effective at programming, and so you want to
see them think on their feet, you want to see if they’ve solved a problem
before. So we give them fairly practical problems. Not esoteric puzzles or
math-y things, but more like programming problems.
Check their C++ knowledge, because C++ is hairy. So it’s sort of a sanity
check, not enough to say, “Let’s hire him.” But if they pass it, that’s good; if
they don’t, we worry. To say, “Let’s hire them,” we have to see something
else, and that’s the spark that involves particulars, like what they’ve done
and their approach and what languages they’ve used.
Maybe I’m also sympathetic to the odd duck. I don’t mind people who are a
little different. I don’t want to hire somebody who’s hard to work with, but
we need talent. We need people who think differently.
When I was an undergrad I was really affected by Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance. And I had been going through Plato and the early
philosophers. I was, at that point, inclined more towards idealism in some
philosophical sense. I thought little-endian byte order was superior to big-
endian, because after all, the least significant digits are in the lowest
address—there was some kind of harmony or geometry in that. But try
reading a hex dump. Practical things matter; particulars matter. The famous
School of Athens painting with Aristotle pointing down and Plato pointing
up—I’m more on the pointing-down side now. As I get older I get more and
more skeptical and more and more interested in what works.
When I’m interviewing people, when I’m looking for talent, it’s very hard for
me to not stick with particulars and practicalities. OK, so this guy knew
OCaml—it meant he was smart, but should we hire him? Well no, but he
also did things on his own and he thought on his feet when I talked to him,
and he was already thinking about compilation or analysis problems that we
were going to hire him to work on. But maybe the important thing there,