(e.g. Apuleius Metamorphoses 11.21), of the sufferings of the deity (e.g.
Athenagoras Supplication 32.1), of the identification of initiand
with deity, and of the initiands’ (transition to) salvation depending on
their finding – or the return to life of – a deity (e.g. Lactantius Divine
Institutions 18.7; Firmicus Maternus On the Error of Profane Religions
2.9; 22.1–3).
As for Dionysos, the gold leaves (Chapter 5) preserve the mystic
formulae ‘Hail you who have suffered what you had never suffered
before. You became a god instead of a human,’ and ‘now you died
and now you came into being, thrice blessed one, on this day. Tell
Persephone that Bakchios himself freed you.’ And the mystic myth
of the dismemberment of Dionysos and his restoration to life was
probably associated with a similar transition for the initiand in the
mystic ritual (Chapters 5 and 8). Most strikingly Bacchae 576–641
projects the mystic transition, from despair and fear to joy, caused by
the reappearance of the deity, who is identified with light. The chorus,
despairing at Pentheus’ imprisonment of their ‘guardian’ (whom we
know to be Dionysos), the missionary of the new cult, sing to their god
Dionysos, who invokes earthquake, thunder, and lightning. Pentheus’
house falls to the ground, and the appearance of Dionysos from within
brings joy to the chorus, who had fallen to the ground, each one in
‘isolated desolation’. The god then describes the strange behaviour of
Pentheus failing to bind him within the house.
Details of this behaviour, and of the experience of the chorus,
reappear in accounts of mystic initiation, notably in a fragment of
Plutarch (178) in which he compares the experience of dying with the
experience of mystic initiation: in both passages there are exhausting
runnings around, uncompleted journeys through darkness, fear, trem-
bling, sweat, and then light in the darkness. And they also appear in
the description, in the Acts of the Apostles (16.25–9), of the miraculous
liberation from prison at Philippi: the missionaries of the new religion,
Paul and Silas, are imprisoned, singing to their god in the darkness of
midnight when there is a sudden earthquake, and (as at Bacchae
447–8) the doors open and the chains fall away from the prisoners. The
gaoler seizes a sword, is reassured by Paul that the prisoners are still
there, asks for light, rushes inside, falls trembling at the feet of Paul
and Silas, and is converted to Christianity. So too Pentheus seizes a