rules and calibrate a land-use CA model. The proposed method combines the benefi ts
of conditional and mathematical rules and is adaptable in terms of number of land-
use classes, and spatial and temporal scale of the input data. Chapter 2 presents and
describes a cellular automata model for simulating the population distribution of the
city of Vienna from 1888 to 2001. It has also developed a sensible and robust concept
for the explanation of the driving forces of urban development processes, and it was
shown that the development of the population density can be essentially regulated
by infrastructure investments. In Chapter 3, the deforestation processes in a region
called São Félix do Xingu, located in east-central Amazon, are simulated with a cellular
automata model called Dinamica EGO. It consists of an environment that embodies
neighbourhood-based transition algorithms and spatial feedback approaches in a sto-
chastic multi-step simulation framework. The modelling experiment demonstrated the
suitability of the adopted model to simulate processes of forest conversion, unravelling
the relationships between site a ributes and deforestation in the area under analysis.
Chapter 4 demonstrates that the heuristic search methods for the solution of spatial
optimization problems have to be designed in accordance with the spatial character of
the fi eld under study, which can be fi ingly modelled by means of cellular automata.
Two basic approaches are presented in this chapter to pursue a balance between local
and global characteristics. Chapter 5 demonstrates the potential of cellular automata
as a tool for urban planning and development using two models and case studies, one
from Saudi Arabia and the other from the Republic of Korea. The strengths and weak-
nesses of the models are discussed, including areas for further development. Chapter 6
presents three cellular automata that simulate the behavior of the population dynamics
of three biological systems. The first one deals with artificially-living fish divided into
two groups: sharks (predators) and fish that are part of their food chain (preys). The
second model introduces a simulation of the HIV evolution in the blood stream of posi-
tive individuals with no antiretroviral therapy. The last model extends the previous
one and considers the HIV dynamics in individuals subject to medical treatment and
the monitoring of the medication potency and treatment adhesion. Finally, Chapter 7
explores some of the fundaments of cellular automata models and the reasons why
these are being so widely applied nowadays, particularly to urban systems and ecol-
ogy, all of which seem to be connected directly to the fact that the transport equations
are common as much to the socioeconomic phenomena as to physics.
Dynamics of Traffi c and Network Systems. Chapter 8 presents an overview of the ba-
sic cellular automata models for traffi c fl ow. A maximum entropy approach for analyz-
ing the equilibrium properties of the cellular automata models for multi-speed traffi c
fl ow in a single lane highway is also proposed and discussed. It is shown, in particular,
that the traffi c cellular automata models of Nagel-Schreckenberg and Fukui-Ishibashi
evolve rapidly towards steady states very close to equilibrium. In Chapter 9, a modifi ed
model of the car-following Nagel-Schreckenberg model is proposed by incorporating
the agent and diligent driver into it. The modifi ed evaluation of the proposed param-
eter, the fundamental diagram, spatio-temporal pa erns, eff ect of lane-changing and
car-following with respect to the evacuation time, combination parameter of diligent
and agent driver in the case of evacuation time and the eff ectiveness are investigated.
Chapter 10 presents a simple cellular automaton model to study the typical bus dynam-
ics in a modern city. At a first stage, the nontrivial fluctuations are prescribed by the
stochastic moving of bus interacted with the stochastic arrival of passengers, and at a
second stage, the bus schedule interrupted by the traffi c lights is examined. The city