who accompanied Obama to Badaling, perception of the Badaling
photo op is necessarily mediated through representations offered by
the Associated Press and other news agencies. Some of the limits of
this media filter can be seen when one considers a rough, forty-six-
second video clip recorded at the time, in which Obama strolls ca-
sually down the rampart, then pauses and remarks, “It’s majestic.
It’s a reminder of the incredible history of the Chinese people. And I
think it gives you a good perspective on the fact that a lot of the
day-to-day things we worry about don’t amount to much compared
to the sweep of history.”
This clip records the same moment seen in
Charles Dharapak’s photograph and features the same comments
quoted in AP bureau chief Charles Hutzler’s accompanying article,
while presenting a distinctly different view of the scene itself. The
point here, however, is not to contrast the objectivity of the video
clip with the distortions that characterize the newspaper coverage
(though with respect to the precise wording of Obama’s statement,
the video is obviously more reliable), but to emphasize that all represen-
tations are shaped by their own specific perspective (including such
seemingly minor details as the angle of a shot and how it is framed).
The AP’s coverage of Obama’s Badaling shot circulated through-
out the world, and also inspired a variety of secondary representa-
tions. Hutzler’s “paraquote” of Obama’s comments was not only
picked up by syndicated media services, for instance, but was also
cited (often without attribution) in a range of other sources, includ-
ing an article in the English-language edition of China’s official
newspaper, The People’s Daily.
Dharapak’s photograph also circu-
lated widely, and was appropriated a few months later for an ad on
a Times Square billboard for the apparel company Weatherproof,
which had made the jacket Obama happened to be wearing during
the visit (the company quickly agreed to take down the ad after the
White House protested its use of the president’s image).
At first glance, The People’s Daily’s unattributed citation of the
AP’s paraquote of Obama’s comments and Weatherproof’s unau-