6.2 Optical OFDM Transmission and Optical Channel Properties 225
6.2 Optical OFDM Transmission and Optical
Channel Properties
M. Mayrock, H. Haunstein, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Commercially available systems for high bit-rate optical data transmission utilize
on-off-keying or differential phase shift keying (DPSK) and reach bit-rates up to
40 Gbit/s. The transmission channel itself consists of single mode fibers exhibit-
ing very low loss. In order to regenerate the power of the optical signal, optical
amplifiers, e.g., erbium doped fiber amplifiers, are placed along the link. By this
means the optical power is increased without the need of opto-electrical signal con-
version. However, optical amplifiers introduce noise, which leads to a reduction of
the optical signal-to-noise power ratio (OSNR). Depending on the signal powers and
bandwidths along with other parameters, systems can be designed for transmission
over hundreds to a couple of thousands kilometers.
When transmitting over long distances various kinds of signal distortion accumulate.
Chromatic Dispersion (CD) describes the effect that different frequencies travel at
different speeds along the optical wave-guide. Hence, pulses are broadened and fi-
nally inter-symbol interference (ISI) occurs. In today’s systems CD-compensation
is done with the help of dispersion compensating fibers or other optical devices like
fiber gratings, which have to be adapted to the individual transmission scenario.
Polarization Mode dispersion (PMD) is a further performance limiting effect. Due
to mechanical stress, imperfect fiber geometry, etc. the fiber becomes birefringent,
i.e., signal contributions of orthogonal polarizations exhibit different speeds of prop-
agation. The optical axes of different fiber sections are not aligned. Therefore, the
“slow” and the “fast” modes of a certain piece of fiber couple into the optical axes
of the next fiber section in a way which depends on their relative orientation. This
effect occurs all along the fiber and eventually generates a fading-channel with a
large number of echoes. There are methods for optical PMD compensation which
usually compensate for first order differential group delay. Equalization techniques
in the electrical domain could overcome this limitation. However, today’s systems
use direct detection receivers which convert the optical signal to the electrical do-
main via a non-linear operation and thus also electronic equalization shows limited
It is expected that future systems will need higher signal bandwidth leading to strict
requirements for dispersion compensation (CD and PMD). On the other hand more
and more powerful signal processing resources can be implemented in today’s inte-
grated circuit fabrication processes. Therefore OFDM along with coherent detection
is a candidate for future high bit-rate optical systems.
The demand for higher bit-rates can also be accounted for using techniques which
operate at high spectral efficiency. OFDM is interesting for such systems, as it allows
for dense wavelength multiplexing. Moreover the modulation alphabet for individual
OFDM sub-carriers can be scaled easily and thus spectral efficiency can be adapted
to given channel conditions. Recently, results of an OFDM transmission experi-
ment have been published, where the authors report 5.6 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency