technical theatre book. Thus, the final form has individual chapters dedicated
to: the set and scenery, costuming, rigging, lighting, audio, power, and special
effects. Topics such as properties and running crew would have been included
had time allowed, but the overall usefulness of the book does not suffer due to
their absence.
It was decided early on that the chapters of the book should be as indepen-
dent as possible. This independence allows individual chapters of the book to
be handed out for reading in a classroom situation. This is ideal, especially for
classes that require non-theatre people to do hands-on work for a production.
Generally, a student chooses an area of interest and works a set number of hours
in that area. This work time could be made more productive and useful if the
student, before working, read the relevent chapters from this book. This might
also serve to reduce the frustration level of the regular theatre crowd, as the
people involved will be, on the whole, more knowledgable of theatre practices.
With the topics chosen, it came time to gather information to write the
text, as well as acquire photographs and diagrams to supplement the text. In-
formation was collected from a variety of sources, as described in the previous
section. Once the mass of material was collected, it had to be sorted and filtered
for content. Condensing mounds of information down to a single chapter was
quite a challenging and formidable task. The information included in the book
had to be general enough to provide a good degree of breadth, but it couldn’t
be “down to the nuts and bolts” specific.
The same philosophy went in to creating and choosing photographs and di-
agrams to include. In cases where a single photograph or diagram could replace
many paragraphs of text, their inclusion made perfect sense. Other photographs
and diagrams were useful simply because they provide visual context to the
topics discussed in the text. Many photographs were taken of the equipment
specifically used at WPI. The intent of this was so that anyone who had read
this book would be able to start working productions at WPI and have a fair
idea of exactly what different pieces of equipment looked like.
Each chapter started as an outline, which was filled in and changed as work
progressed. Using this method, rather than simply diving in and writing, allowed
the book to have a fairly consistent structure. The arrangement of most of the
chapters is equipment first, design second. The book probably could have been
written with the opposite organizational scheme, but it seemed most logical
to do it this way, as it’s practically impossible to design something that uses
unfamiliar equipment.
As each chapter neared completion, it recieved two proofreadings. Errors
were corrected and suggestions for improvement were heeded. After the bulk
of the writing was completed, the final editing phase began. In this phase, the
overall consistency of the book was checked. Also, the book was indexed, figures
were credited, and the bibliography was assembled in this stage. Last-minute
polishing and touch-up work, followed by the creation of the book cover and
acknowledgements section rounded out the project.