The Spitzer Group
Irving Silberstein, marketing director for the Spitzer
Group, a growing regional marketing and corpo-
rate communications rm, was hard at work on an
exciting project. He was designing Spitzer’s rst
word-of-mouth campaign for an important client, a
manufacturer of beauty products.
In a matter of just a few years, word-of-mouth adver-
tising campaigns morphed from a small fringe specialty
to a mainstream marketing technique embraced by no
less than consumer product giant Procter & Gamble
(P&G). The basic idea was simple, really. You harnessed
the power of existing social networks to sell your prod-
ucts and services. The place to start, Irving knew, was
to take a close look at how P&G’s in-house unit, Vocal-
point, conducted its highly successful campaigns, both
for its own products and those of its clients.
Because women were key purchasers of P&G
consumer products, Vocalpoint focused on recruit-
ing mothers with extensive social networks, partici-
pants known internally by the somewhat awkward
term, connectors. The Vocalpoint Web page took care
to emphasize that participants were members of an
“exclusive” community of moms who exerted signi -
cant in uence on P&G and other major companies.
Vocalpoint not only sent the women new product
samples and solicited their opinions, but it also care-
fully tailored its pitch to the group’s interests and
preoccupations so the women would want to tell their
friends about a product. For example, it described a
new dishwashing foam that was so much fun to use,
kids would actually volunteer to clean up the kitchen,
music to any mother’s ears. P&G then furnished the
mothers with coupons to hand out if they wished. It’s
all voluntary, P&G pointed out. According to a com-
pany press release issued shortly before Vocalpoint
went national in early 2006, members “are never obli-
gated to do or say anything.”
One of the things Vocalpoint members weren’t
obligated to say, Irving knew, was that the women
were essentially unpaid participants in a P&G-
sponsored marketing program. When asked about the
policy, Vocalpoint CEO Steve Reed replied, “We have
a deeply held belief you don’t tell the consumer what
to say.” However, skeptical observers speculated that
what the company really feared was that the women’s
credibility might be adversely affected if their Vocal-
point af liation were known. Nondisclosure really
amounted to lying for nancial gain, Vocalpoint’s
critics argued, and furthermore the whole campaign
shamelessly exploited personal relationships for com-
mercial purposes. Others thought the critics were
making mountains out of molehills. P&G wasn’t
forbidding participants from disclosing their ties to
Vocalpoint and P&G. And the fact that they weren’t
paid meant the women had no vested interest in
endorsing the products.
So as Irving designs the word-of-mouth campaign
for his agency’s client, just how far should he emulate
the company that even its detractors acknowledge as
a master of the technique?
What Would You Do?
1. Don’t require Spitzer “connectors” to reveal their
af liation with the corporate word-of-mouth mar-
keting campaign. They don’t have to recommend a
product they don’t believe in.
2. Require that Spitzer participants reveal their ties
to the corporate marketing program right up front
before they make a recommendation.
3. Instruct Spitzer participants to reveal their partici-
pation in the corporate marketing program only
if directly asked by the person they are talking to
about the client’s products.
SOURCES: Robert Berner, “I Sold It Through the Grapevine,” Business-
Week (May 29, 2006): 32–34; “Savvy Moms Share Maternal Instincts;
Vocalpoint Offers Online Moms the Opportunity to be a Valuable
Resource to Their Communities,” Business Wire (December 6, 2005);
and “Word of Mouth Marketing: To Tell or Not To Tell,”
(May 2006),
Edmunds Corrugated Parts & Services
Larry Edmunds grimaced as he tossed his company’s
latest quarterly earnings onto his desk. When Virginia-
based Edmunds Corrugated Parts & Service Com-
pany’s sales surged past the $10 million mark awhile
back, he was certain the company was well positioned
for steady growth. Today the company, which pro-
vided precision machine parts and service to the
domestic corrugated box industry, still enjoys a domi-
nant market share and is showing a pro t, although
not quite the pro t seen in years past. However, it is no
longer possible to ignore the fact that revenues were
beginning to show clear signs of stagnation.
More than two decades ago, Larry’s grandfather
loaned him the money to start the business and then
handed over the barn on what had been the family’s