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13. Robin, M.: "Laboratory Evaluation of Foaming
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SPE 16729, presented at the 62nd Annual Technical
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14. Llave, F.M., F.T.-H. Chung, R.W. Louvier, and
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15. Yaghoobi, H. and J.P. Heller: "Effect of Capillary
Contact on CO2-Foam Mobility in Heterogeneous
Core Samples," paper SPE 35169, presented at the
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16. Kovscek, A.R., T.W. Patzek, and C.J. Radke: "A
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17. Fergui, O., M. Quintard, and H. Bertin: "Transient
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20. Kovscek, A.R., T.W. Patzek, and C.J. Radke:
"Mechanistic Foam Flow Simulation in
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21. Hirasaki, G.J. and J.B. Lawson: "Mechanisms of
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22. Falls, A.H., J.J. Musters, and J. Ratulowski: "The
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23. Khatib, Z.I., G.J. Hirasaki, and A.H. Falls: "Effects
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24. Leverett, M.C.: "Capillary Behavior in Porous
Solids," Trans. AIME (1941) 142, No. 152-169.
25. Friedmann, F., W.H. Chen, and P.A. Gauglitz:
"Experimental and Simulation Study of High-
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26. Ransohoff, T.C. and C.J. Radke: "Mechanisms of
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(Aug 1988) 3, No. 2, 573-585.
H. J. Bertin is a CNRS (National Center for Scientific
Research) researcher at LEPT-ENSAM (University of
Bordeaux, France). His interests are in fluid mechanics
in porous media with applications in petroleum
engineering (EOR, heterogeneity) and environmental
problems (dispersion of pollutants in aquifers). He holds
a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the
University of Bordeaux.. email: bertin@lept-ensam.u-
bordeaux.fr O. G. Apaydin, obtained his B.S. in
Petroleum Engineering from Istanbul Technical
University in 1995. He then obtained an MS. degree
from Stanford University in 1998. Currently he works
for Geoquest Reservoir Technologies in Denver. His
responsibilities include development of a Reservoir
management course. email: oga@pop.denver.
geoquest.slb.com. L. M. Castanier is Technical
Manager of Stanford University Petroleum Research
Institute, Thermal Recovery Group (SUPRI-A). He
holds a B.S. from University of Tolouse in mathematics
and physics, an engineeringdegree in fluid mechanics
from the National Superior School of Fluid Mechanics,
and a Ph.D. degree from the National Polytechnical
Institute in Tolouse. email: louis@pangea.stanford.edu.
A.R. Kovscek SPE, is an assistant professor of
petroleum engineering at Stanford U., Department of
Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA 94305-2220, email: kovscek@pangea.stanford.edu.
His interests include fluid and heat flow in tight
fractured rocks and foams for mobility control of gas