Like all forms of renewable energy, micro hydro-electric
power has recently attracted worldwide interest; and yet the
basic technology is not new. While seeming to offer power at
extremely low annual running cost and with very few
technical complications, there are as yet few countries where
its use has become widespread. It is found that design,
installation and management have all to be treated very care-
fully. It has been demonstrated in many piaces that SIXall
hydro power can
make a very important contribution
towards rural development, such as in the Peoples’ Republic
of China, where some 80,000 mini hydra plants have been
installed over the last twenty years. But there are pitfalls for
the unwary.
This paper gives
an introduction to the
techniques and a guide how to approach mini hydro projects.
It is concerned only with systems of up to approximately
1 OOkW output.