Handbook of Filter Media
factors. Of particular importance are those that relate to the particulate material
(size, shape, concentration, distribution, zeta potential, and whether it is inert or
viable), the membrane structure (pore size, rating, asymmetry), the stability of
the membrane (chemical, mechanical, thermal, hydrolytic, extractables,
shedding), and the retention mechanisms (absorption, adsorption,
impingement, cake retention).
The selection of an optimum (or at least an appropriate) membrane and system
will usually require a trade-off between various possible alternatives. Table 8.20
summarizes the typical information required to permit a systematic analysis of
the available options.
The important performance indicator in microfiltration is the volumetric flow
through the membrane, which is directly proportional to the applied pressure
difference across it. For most membranes, values of fluid flux are quoted for
particular conditions of temperature and applied pressure, with specific fluids,
which typically are water, air and methanol.
From the data normally available for membranes, it is possible to calculate the
permeability constant for the membrane for a particular fluid. In principle, this
should be independent of the fluid if there are no interactions between the
membrane and the feed slurry. The important factor in microfiltration is not the
flux of clean fluid but the performance during actual filtration. Performance is
potentially affected by several solute-related parameters and specifically by
concentration polarization and fouling.
A good general review of microfiltration is given in Table 8.21. This was
produced originally by Costar, but is still generally applicable.
Microfiltration membranes are routinely used in a range of analytical
procedures to determine particulate contamination in a wide range of gases and
liquids. The procedures include the detection of micro-organisms in a variety of
waters and process fluids (foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals) where the
membrane traps the micro-organism and is subsequently used as the culture
medium, in passive cell growth studies and in so-called blotting applications. A
range of different types of membrane is used, including:
1. mixed cellulose esters - e.g. biologically inert mixtures of cellulose acetate
and cellulose nitrate: suitable for a wide range of analytical procedures,
including gravimetric analysis by the ashing technique and light microscopy;
2. PTFE- either unlaminated or laminated to a support of high-density
polyethylene or polypropylene; for applications with gases and non-aqueous
fluids, with acids and alkalis, and for higher temperature operation;
3. silver- ideal collection medium for analysis of crystalline silica by X-ray
diffusion and for the analysis of organics:
4. PVDF- suitable for aqueous or organic samples; and
5. track-etched polycarbonate- recommended for scanning and transmission
electron microscopy.
Commercial polymeric ultrafiltration membranes are designed to give the
requirement of high permeability and high permselectivity. An extensive range
of membrane materials is used including polysulphone, polyethersulphone,
PAN, polyimide, cellulose acetate, aliphatic polyamides, the oxides of zirconium