Looking for clean energy considering LNG assessment
to provide energy security in Brazil and GTL from Bolivia natural gas reserves 369
6.5 Existing Natural Gas to implement a GTL-FT project
The Bolivian Natural Gas fields are appropriate to implement one or more GTL project from
the qualitative and quantitative point of view:
From the quantitative point of view, to produce around 100 thousand bpd of GTL
byproducts, for 25 years, is necessary to process 30 million m
of gas per day, which
demands 10 TCF of the economic gas reserves. Bolivia had, among proven and probable
reserves, about 50 TCF in the beginning of 2005, fully meeting this requirement.
From the qualitative point of view, the Bolivian reserves are of non-associated gas; this
means that it does not have many accompanying liquid hydrocarbons, which allows
minimum investments to separate the methane from other hydrocarbons. Bolivia has the
greatest non-associated Gas reserves in South America: greater than, for example, the ones
in the 226 TCF of total gas reserves in Venezuela (the greatest gas reserves of South
America), but only 14 TCF are of non-associated gas.
Another important aspect is that the sulfur contents of Bolivian hydrocarbons are generally
low, which avoids investments in desulphurization plants and, furthermore, avoids the
poisoning of the catalysts, fundamental aspect in the process.
Figure 24 illustrates the flow of the potential projects and exportation and industrialization
products of the Bolivian natural gas.
Fig. 24. Potential of the Bolivian natural gas
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Local consumption and exportation of
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Deposit of Natural Gas
Methane Petrochemistry (e.g.:
GTL project)
Project of Exportation
(Ex: LNG project)
Traditional Petrochemical
(LNG and GTL Project)
Local consumption and exportation of
gasoline, plastic and several other
petrochemical byproducts
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