Natural Gas110
With reference to Figure 3 the process steps upstream the methanation unit are designed to
provide a near stoichiometric ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide in the gas according to
the methanation reaction (eq. 1). The exit gas from the first reactor is cooled in two steps
where the first step serves to superheat the high pressure steam generated in the second
step. After cooling, the gas enters the following methanation stages.
The CO methanation takes place in adiabatic reactors. The heat of the reaction results in a
high temperature increase, and recycle is used to control this temperature rise in the first
methanation reactor.
This technology is characterized by (Topsoe, 2009):
low energy consumption for recycle;
production of high pressure superheated steam;
low investments;
producing a natural gas compatible with pipeline specification, ensuring an easy
access to distribution of the product.
Any recycle involves a loss of energy but the MCR-2X catalyst is a good choice to minimize
the amount of recycle gas. This catalyst is stable and operable at low as well as high
temperature (from 250 to 700°C).
The experience with operation of this technology dates back to 1978 and a substantial
process demonstration has taken place ensuring that the technology can be applied. A semi-
commercial process has been demonstrated in a plant producing 2000 Nm
/h of natural gas.
However no industrial plants have been constructed until now. The project was closed
down in 1981 for political change and lower energy prices (Undergaard, 2008). Presently
Topsoe’s TREMP™ technology has been approved for a US plant. This methanation
technology was selected for use in Power Holding’s coal gasification plant in Jefferson
County, Illinois (USA). The plant will convert about 4 million tons per year of coal into
pipeline-quality natural gas. Along with GE Energy and Lurgi, Haldor Topsoe has been
selected as technology provider. It is expected the coal-to-gas plant will startup in 2010
In 1972 in Scotland (Westfield Coal Gasification plant) the first worldwide demonstration
plant producing SNG from coal has been accomplished by ConocoPhilips and the British
Gas Corporation (BGC), with a production of 59 Million Nm
/day. The methanation unit,
consisting of a fixed bed adiabatic reactor with gas recycle, was connected to an existing
Lurgi fixed bed gasifier and gas cleaning section was a Rectisol unit. Unfortunately, no plant
data can be found (Kopyscinski et al., 2010).
A further development of the British Gas Corporation was the HICOM process in which shift
and methanation are combined. In this type of process (see Figure 4) the syngas, after
purification, is heated and saturated with hot water in a countercurrent flow packed bed. After
that, the syngas is passed through a series of fixed bed reactors. The temperature is controlled
by recycling the cooled product gas. Excess steam is added to the first methanation reactor to
avoid carbon particle deposition. A part of the product gas from the main methanation
reactors is recycled and the other part is passed through one or more low temperature fixed
bed methanation reactors. In the last reactor the remaining CO and H
are converted to CH
and CO
. Almost all the heat released from these reactions is used to generate high pressure
steam except the one of the last reactor, which is applied to warm the saturated boiler feed
water. With this type of configuration a bench-scale reactor for screening of catalysts and
process conditions was erected, also a pilot plant was built where tests for about 2000h were
done. Finally, a semi-commercial scale plant was constructed at the Westfield Development
Center but no data about these plants were found (Kopyscinski et al., 2010).
In the 1970s, Linde AG (Germany) developed an isothermal fixed bed reactor with indirect
heat exchange. In this reactor the cooling tube bundles are embedded in the catalyst bed, so
the reactor is able to produce steam from the exothermic reactions and a part of this steam
can be added to the syngas at the inlet of the methanator in order to minimize the risk of
carbon deposition. No information are available about the use of this type of reactor in SNG
production (Kopyscinski et al., 2010).
A high temperature methanation without gas recycle was proposed by the Ralph M. Parsons
Company (USA). This process, called RMP, consists of 4-6 adiabatic fixed bed reactors in
series with intermediate gas cooling. The syngas is distributed in different ratios in the first
four reactors (Figure 2 shows the idea of this process). Working pressures are between 4.5
and 77 bar and temperatures are in the range between 315°C (inlet) and 538°C (outlet). Data
about gas composition of different tests were available whereas no data about the catalyst
and reactor dimensions were published. After 1977 no more information about this project
are available (Kopyscinski et al., 2010.
Fig. 4. Scheme of the HICOM process: a) main methanation stages, b) recycle compressor, c)
non-recycle methanation stages, adapted from Kopyscinski et al., 2010
Similar to the RMP process, the Imperial Chemical Industries ICI (Great Britain) developed a
catalyst and a high temperature once-through methanation process, using a catalyst with a
high nickel content (up to 60%). This process consists of three adiabatic fixed bed reactors in
series with intermediate gas cooling (see Figure 5), where it is possible to see that steam is