12-4 Biomechanics
attached to a stiff diaphragm that flexes proportionally to the pressure. For the veins in tissue, the upstream
pressure, just downstream from the capillaries, is much more difficult to measure because of the minute
size (∼15 μm) of the vessels. For this a servo-nullmicropipette technique may be used. A glass micropipette
with a tip diameter of about 2 μmisfilledwitha1to2molsaline solution. When the pipette is inserted into
a vein, the pressure tends to drive the lower conductance blood plasma into the pipette. The conductance
is measured using an AC-driven bridge. A servosystem, driven by the imbalance signal, is used to develop
a counter pressure to maintain the interface between the low-conductance filling solution and the plasma
near the tip of the pipette. This counter pressure, which equals the intravascular pressure, is measured
with a pressure transducer. Careful calibration is essential.
Another approach for estimating the upstream pressure in the veins is to measure the mean filling
pressure of the organ (see above) and assume that this pressure is the upstream venous pressure. Because
this venous pressure must be less than the capillary pressure and because most of the blood in an organ
is in the small veins and venules, this assumption, though tenuous, is not unreasonable. To measure flow
many approaches are available including electromagnetic, transit-time ultrasonic, or Doppler ultrasonic
flowmeters. Usually the arterial inflow is measured with the assumption that the outflow is the same.
Indicator dilution techniques are also used to estimate average flow. They are based on the principle that
the reduction in concentration of infused indicator is inversely proportional to the rate of flow. Either a
bolus injection or a continuous infusion may be used. Adequacy of mixing of indicator across the flow
stream, lack of collateral flows, and adequately representative sampling must be considered [5].
12.2.2 Capacitance
Forestimating the capacitanceparameters of the veins, containedvolume, rather than flow, and transmural
pressure, rather than the longitudinal pressure gradient, must be measured. Pressures are measured as
described above. For the desired pressure-volume relationship the total contained volume must be known.
Techniques used to measure total blood volume include indicator dilution. The ratio of the integral of
indicator concentration time to that of concentration is used to compute the mean transit time (MIT)
following the sudden injection of a bolus of indicator [3,5]. The active volume is the product of MTT
and flow, with flow measured as outlined above. Scintigraphy provides an image of the distribution of
radioactivity in tissues. A radioisotope, such as technicium 99 that is bound to red blood cells that in
turn are contained within the vasculature, is injected and allowed to equilibrate. A camera, with many
collimating channels sensitive to the emitted radiation, is placed over the tissue. The activity recorded
is proportional to the volume of blood. Currently it is not possible to accurately calibrate the systems to
provide measures of blood volume because of uncertain attenuation of radiation by the tissue and distance.
Furthermore, delimiting a particular organ within the body and separating arterial and venous segments
of the circulation are difficult.
12.2.3 Compliance
To estimate compliance, changes in volume are needed. This is generally easier than measuring the total
blood volume. Using plethysmography, a rigid container is placed around the organ, and a servo system
functions to change the fluid volume in the chamber to maintain the chamber pressure-constant. The
consequent volume change is measured and assumed to be primarily venous, because most of the vascular
volume is venous. With a tight system and careful technique, at the end of the experiment both inflow and
outflow blood vessels can be occluded and then the contained blood washed out and measured to provide
a measure of the total blood volume [6].
12.2.4 Gravimetric Techniques
Gravimetric techniques can be used to measure changes in blood volume. If the organ can be isolated and
weighed continuously with the blood vessels intact, changes in volume can be measured in response to
drugs or reflexes. With an important modification, this approach can be applied to an organ or the systemic