188 7 Wellbore/borehole stability
Figure 7.15 represents the Mohr-Coulomb (shear) failure around the
borehole for an open wellbore inclined at an angle of 70q and at t = 100 s
in a dual-porosity medium. The shear failure occurs mainly around the
minimum stress direction; while no failure occurs in the maximum stress
direction (borehole sidewalls). This is similar to what has been observed in
the field, as shown in Fig. 7.4 (Martin et al. 1994). Figure 7.16 gives the
shear failure in a single porosity medium. It is clear that the single-porosity
solution has a much larger shear failure area, since the single porosity solu-
tion has a much larger radial tensile stress. This causes a much smaller mi-
nor principal stress (note that tensile stress is negative).
With sufficient mud pressure support, wellbore spalling and compres-
sive failure can usually be controlled. However, tensile failure or hydraulic
fracturing may be induced in the wellbore when the mud pressure is too
high. Figure 7.17 shows the fracturing area for a hole inclination of 70q at t
= 100 s and for a mud pressure p
= 25 MPa. It is seen that the fracturing
takes place mainly around the maximum stress direction.
Figure 7.18 presents the fracturing area for the single-porosity solution.
One observes that the single-porosity solution has a smaller fracturing
area, since the tensile tangential stress that induces wellbore fracturing has
a smaller magnitude in the single porosity solution.
-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Distance from borehole center (m)
Distance (m)
Mohr-Coulomb failure
FEM mesh
20 MPa
25.5 MPa
Fig. 7.15. Shear failure area in the dual-porosity medium at t = 100 s for a bore-
hole inclination of 70q.