7.2 Structure of Thin Film Growth Models 97
normally encountered in physical vapor deposition processes, the mean free
path of a particle is much longer than the distance it travels between the
source and the substrate, and the assumption that it travels in a straight
line is a valid assumption [96]. Models that utilize this assumption are called
solid-on-solid or ballistic aggregation models depending on whether overhangs
are allowed on the surface. On the other hand, in processes where the depo-
sition pressure is high, diffusion is the primary transport mechanism, and the
Brownian motion characteristic of diffusion is best modeled with a random
walk. These types of simulations are commonly referred to as diffusion-limited
aggregation (DLA) [171], and are often used to model transport phenomena
in fluids. The experiments of consideration here are performed under high
vacuum, and the deterministic trajectory assumption is used. In addition, pe-
riodic boundary conditions are imposed on the lattice, which means that if
the trajectory of a particle takes it off the edge of the lattice, it will reappear
on the opposite side of the lattice with the same trajectory.
If deterministic trajectories are implemented in the model, we must spec-
ify how to choose the initial position and direction of the trajectory. First, we
make the assumption that the distribution of particle trajectories is indepen-
dent of position. In other words, we can choose the initial position of a particle
independent of the trajectory because of this uniformity. As such, the initial
position of a particle is often randomly chosen in the domain. The specific
type of deposition is reflected in the distribution of velocities of the particles.
This distribution is normally expressed as the probability dP of choosing a
trajectory in the direction dΩ,
= f (θ, φ). (7.6)
The simplest particle flux is normally incident flux, where every particle
impinges normally onto the surface. In this case, with the positive z-axis
pointing in the direction of particle flux, f(θ, φ) ∝ δ(θ), and all particles
travel parallel to the positive z-axis. In sputter deposition and chemical va-
por deposition, experimental data suggest that the probability of a particle
obtaining a trajectory making an angle θ with the z-axis is proportional to
f(θ, φ)=cosθ, θ ∈ [0,π/2] [59], as was shown in Fig. 1.2.
To model these distributions numerically, we must be able to sample an
arbitrary distribution from a uniform distribution [0, 1], as this is the dis-
tribution available in most computing packages. The mathematical term for
this process is “inverse transform sampling,” and is described in [27]. Using
this method, with a uniformly distributed random variable X and cumulative
density function (CDF) F , in order to sample from F , one can sample from
(X), where F
is the inverse CDF of the distribution. For example, if
we wish to model chemical vapor deposition, we want to sample from the
probability distribution function f(θ)=cosθ. The CDF of this distribution