Fundamentals of diffvaction
is a linear dependence between the photon flux (the number of photons
entering through the detector window in one second) and the rate of signals
generated by the detector (usually the number of voltage pulses) per second.
any detector, it takes some time to absorb a photon, convert it into a
voltage pulse, register the pulse, and reset the detector to the initial state, i.e.
make it ready for the next operation. This time is usually known as the dead
time of the detector
the time during which the detector remains inactive
after it has just registered a photon.
The presence of the dead time always decreases the registered intensity.
This effect, however, becomes substantial only at high photon fluxes. When
the detector is incapable of counting every photon due to the dead time, then
some of them could be absorbed by the detector but remain unaccounted,
become lost photons. It is said that the detector becomes non-linear under
these conditions. Thus the linearity of the detector can be expressed as: i)
the maximum flux in photons per second that can be reliably counted (the
higher the better); ii)
the dead time (the shorter, the better), or iii)
percentage of the loss of linearity at certain high photon flux (the lower
percentage, the better). The latter is compared for several different types of
detectors in
along with other characteristics.
The proportionality of the detector determines how the size of the
generated voltage pulse is related to the energy of the x-ray photon. Since x-
ray photons produce a certain amount of events (ion pairs, photons of visible
light, etc.) and each event requires certain energy, the number of events is
generally proportional to the energy of the x-ray photon and therefore, to the
inverse of its wavelength. The amplitude of the generated signal is normally
proportional to the number of these events and thus, it is proportional to the
x-ray photon energy, which could be used in pulse-height discrimination.
Usually, the high proportionality of the detector enables one to achieve
additional monochromatization of the x-ray beam in a straightforward
fashion: during the registration, the signals that are too high or too low and
thus correspond to photons with exceedingly high or exceedingly low
energies, respectively, are simply not counted.
Selected characteristics of the most common detectors using Cu
Linearity loss Proportionality Resolution Energy per No. of
at 40,000 cpsa for Cu
event (eV) eventsb
Scintillation <1%
Very good 45% 350 23
Good, but fails at 14% 26 310
high photon flux
Solid-state Up to 50% Pileup in mid-range 2% 3.7 2200
counts per second.
Approximate number of ion pairs or visible light photons resulting from a single x-ray
photon assuming Cu
radiation with photon energy of about