Research in Biodiversity – Models and Applications
These results underscore that a clear distinction should be made between the “actual” values
of turnover beyond null model (β
) and the probabilities associated with these
values as estimated from null model, using the β
and β
metrics. As demonstrated
above, a more direct link to the turnover component of beta diversity (β
) is obtained by
beta diversity beyond “null” distribution β
. It is noteworthy that β
will be negative
when observed dissimilarity is less than expected (sites were more similar), and a proper
rescaling should be made (e.g., subtract the minimum value) in subsequent analysis that
require positive values (e.g. ordinations or PERMANOVA). Certainly, the null model
derived β
(this study, also see Azeria et al., 2009a) and β
metrics are applicable and
important measures for studying beta diversity independent of richness variation (Chase,
2007; Chase et al., 2011). However, caution should be exercised as the values can become
biased for site pairs that have extremely low species richness relative to the regional species
pool. For example, although the difference between the observed and null expectation β
small, the variation of the null expectations β
might be so small that β
become inflated
(for related caveats with β
and other issue see Chase et al., 2011). Although, the inverse-
logit/normal transformation should minimize the bias (see Azeria et al, 2009a), caution should
still be exercised when using the value in subsequent analysis. In addition, our results offer
interesting qualitative comparisons among the null model based indices of beta diversity and
how constraints imposed on species incidence would influence the values.
4.2 Effect of habitat factors for overall and components of beta diversity
We found a significant effect of tree species, burn severity, and tree-size class on overall beta
diversity (β
) of saproxylic beetles (PERMANOVA Table 1, Fig. 4a, d, and g). In addition,
we found a marginal effect of interaction terms between tree species and burn severity. The
effect of tree species and tree-size class was primarily due to compositional difference
between treatments (location of treatment in multivariate response) but not due to
differences in the within-class dispersion (PERMDISP, Table 2). In contrast, the influence of
burn severity was primarily due to differences in the within-class dispersion, which was
lower for low-severity burn (more homogeneous) than that of moderate- and high-severity
burns (PERMDISP, Table 2). Results from multivariate regression analysis on distance
matrices (MRM) provide a concise summary of the simultaneous effect of within- and
between-treatment on the overall beta diversity pattern (Fig. 5a, b, c and d). The MRM also
showed some trends that were not evident through the use of PERMANOVA and
PERMIDISP. For example, the beta diversity or composition dissimilarity within jack pine
(JPI-JPI) was similar to that found between jack pine and black spruce (BSP-JPI) (Fig 5a).
Overall, the effect of geographical distance on beta diversity patterns was only marginal,
and when detected it was due to differences in the within-burns dissimilarity (lower for F1,
forest burn in the north, than the others, Fig 5d) rather than between-burns differences. In
other words, there was no increase in composition dissimilarity of saproxylic beetles in
burned forests with increasing site-to-site geographical distance (β
: r= 0.032; β
: r= 0.040;
: r= -0.017). Thus our results do not provide support for the “distance decay of
similarity” hypothesis (Nekola & White, 1999). It seems that saproxylic beetles might be
good dispersers due to the ephemeral nature of their habitats (Boulanger et al., 2010) and
thus may not be strongly limited by dispersal, at least at the scale of our study (up to 200
km). Baselga (2010) has shown that composition dissimilarity of longhorn beetles increase
with geographical distance measured across larger scales (up to 3000 km) across Europe.