7.2 Stress–Strain State of HTSC in Applied Magnetic Fields 335
the magnetic field, the Bean model [737]
is applied to the present analysis to
clarify the basic properties of the stress–strain state. Self-consistent solutions
which satisfy the non-linear equations (7.36) and (7.37) can be obtained, using
a numerical iterative technique [1024, 1039, 1083] and the following boundary
conditions: σ
=0onthesidesurfaceofthecylinder(atr = R), and σ
on the upper and lower surfaces of the cylinder (at z = ±H/2). After the
Lorentz force calculation from the shielding current distribution at each time
step [1039], the finite difference method is applied to solve (7.28) and (7.29).
In the iterative calculations, using successive over-relaxation method, the dis-
placements u and w are found in by using turns the boundary conditions until
they are converged to definite value. Then, the strain distributions are calcu-
lated from (7.30), and the stresses depending on the obtained displacements
of u and w are found from (7.31) to (7.34).
Numerical results are obtained for cylinder with the geometrical parame-
ters: R =23.0mm and H =15.0 mm, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio:
E =95.9GPaandν =0.14, respectively. In the Bean model, a standard value
of the critical current density is J
[1084, 1085]. Full magne-
tization with field cooling is obtained when shielding currents are induced in
the whole volume of the HTSC (this occurs when the external field is reduced
from 2.0 to 0.0 T).
Maximum trapped field B
in the sample center for 1D and 2D models are
2.9 T and 1.7 T, respectively [1084]). Two-dimensional distributions of the ra-
dial (σ
) and hoop (σ
) stresses in the sample center (at z = 0) are compared
with 1D solutions in Fig. 7.26. The distributions are normalized with corre-
sponding value of B
. Obviously, largest stresses are obtained in the center
of the bulk. Figure 7.27 presents normalized strains on the side, upper and
lower surfaces of the cylinder (all strains are normalized with the maximum
shear strain, γ
, when the external field is 1.3 T). The distributions change
as the external field is reduced from 2.0 to 0.0 T. The large shear strain (γ
is obtained by the large Lorentz force between distributed shielding currents
and the large external field in the first half of the magnetization. After that,
the shear strain distribution reduces as the external field is decreased in the
magnetization process.
According to the Bean model [55], for cylindrical body: ∂B
/∂r = const, yielding
a linear variation of B
with the r-coordinate. In the similar Kim model [545,
546], it is assumed that B
/∂r = const, yielding a parabolic variation of the
function B