Hormonal Regulation of Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes
CYP2C7, and steroid 5a-reductase, but
have reduced levels of
male-specific CYP2A2,
and CYP3A2 (refs
[176]). The
effects of cisplatin on androgen levels may result
from the drug's action on the testes^^^'
effects on the hypothalamus are also suggested to
contribute, both to the observed depletion of circu-
lating testosterone and the resultant alteration in
liver P450 expression^ ^^. Cisplatin treatment of
adult female rats severely decreases circulating
estradiol levels and significantly reduces the
expression of the estrogen-dependent CYP2A21,
CYP2C7, and CYP2C12 (ref [176]).
Serum testosterone is also depleted in adult
male rats treated with cyclophosphamide^^^'
or ifosfamide^^^ and this depletion is associated
with feminization of liver enzyme profiles^^^'
a manner similar to that produced by cisplatin.
While endogenous androgen secretion can be
stimulated in cyclophosphamide-treated rats by
the luteinizing hormone analog chorionic
gonadotropin, the resultant increase in serum
testosterone does not reverse the loss of hepatic
CYP2C11 expression^^^. This observation is anal-
ogous to the earlier finding that the suppression of
CYP2C11 by 3,4,5,3',4',5'-hexachlorobiphenyli82
is not causally related to the associated depletion
of serum testosterone ^^^. Consequently, modu-
lation of liver enzyme expression by cyclo-
phosphamide may involve action at the
hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which establishes the
sex-dependent plasma GH profile that in turn dic-
tates the expression of CYP2C11 and other sex-
dependent liver P450 enzymes, as discussed earlier
in this chapter. CYP2C11 can also be suppressed
by other mechanisms, as demonstrated by the
finding that CYP2C11 levels are suppressed by
the anticancer drug l-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclo-
hexyl-1-nitrosourea (CCNU; lomustine) with-
out affecting circulating testosterone levels ^^'^.
Conceivably, CCNU may act directly on the hypo-
thalamic-pituitary axis to alter key signaling ele-
ments in the ultradian rhythm of circulating GH.
Other drugs that suppress hepatic CYP2C11
and CYP3A2 levels include chloramphenicols^^
and cyclosporine^^^' ^^^. The effects of chlo-
ramphenicol are strain-specific, occurring in
Sprague-Dawley rats but not in Fischer 344 rats.
Moreover, this suppression is accompanied by a
modest reduction in plasma levels of thyroxine but
not testosterone s^^. GH does not appear to play a
role in the suppression of
and CYP3A2
by cyclosporine, a drug that does not alter the
plasma GH peak amplitude, number, or dura-
tion^^l Phenobarbital^^' s^^'
and S-fluorouracil^^^ also reduce hepatic CYP2C11
expression, but the mechanism(s) by which these
effects occur have not been elucidated.
5.2. Modulation by Polycyclic
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Exposure of adult male rats to polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, including 3-methylcholan-
threne (3MC)i^2, i90, 193^ 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodi-
benzo-p-dioxin^^"^, anthracene, benz(a)anthracene,
dibenz(a,c)anthracene, dibenz(a,/i)anthracene, and
7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene^^^, leads to decre-
ases in hepatic CYP2C11 protein and activity levels.
In the case of 3MC, this suppression reflects a
decrease in the rate of CYP2C11 transcription^^^.
The hormonal mechanisms by which polycyclic aro-
matic hydrocarbons modulate CYP2C11 expression
are not known, however, 3MC^^^ and 2,3,7,8-tetra-
chlorodibenzo-/7-dioxin^^^ have been reported to
decrease serum testosterone levels. 3MC may inter-
fere with the stimulation of
expression by
GH^^^, but in a manner that does not involve
STAT5bi99. Interestingly, the extent of CYP2C11
suppression by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
is correlated with Ah receptor-binding affinity and
Ah receptor transformation potency^ ^^. However, it
is not clear whether the Ah receptor plays a role in
the transcriptional suppression of
by poly-
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons^^^.
5.3. Modulation by
Pathophysiological State
Uncontrolled insulin-dependent diabetes is
accompanied not only by defective carbohydrate
metabolism, which results in hyperglycemia,
hyperlipidemia, and hyperketonemia, but it is also
associated with hormonal perturbation, including
a reduction in circulating testosterone^^ ^~^^^,
th3a'oid hormone, and plasma
^^^. As
described earlier in this chapter, these hormones
regulate many liver P450 enzymes, either directly
or indirectly. Accordingly, the diabetic state is