Single Cell Protein ''
are comparatively easy to handle. Methods which convert lignocellulosic materials to
fermentable sugars were discussed in Chapter 4.
Plant wastes containing cellulose include corn cobs, plant stems, leaves, stalks, husks,
etc. For them to be used for SCP production, they usually have to be treated in some form
such as ball-milling, acid, alkali, sodium chlorate or liquid ammonia treatment. The
material may then be digested by a chemical means or by the use of microorganisms.
Cellulosic agricultural wastes are available in large amounts all over the world; they are
usually of little economic value, and are non-toxic. However, they are usually widely
scattered and any process which aims at utilizing them must take into account the cost of
collecting and storing them, as well as the fact that they vary widely in their content of
cellulose and other materials. It is ironic that the tropical countries of the world which
may be expected to have large amounts of plant wastes and which are also the areas most
critically hit by protein shortage usually do not have the manpower, finance to purchase,
or expertise to run, these fermentation equipments. It is encouraging that some studies
aimed specifically at developing countries exist. For example the high points of the
procedure being pursued by Tate and Lyle Ltd, the British sugar manufacturing
Company, is the use of labor-intensive methods employing fermentor and other
equipments fashioned from relatively cheap materials. Many developing countries in
Africa/Asia and South American can indeed adopt these methods and produce SCP
locally from agricultural wastes.
(ii) Starch-wastes: Starch-containing wastes from rice, potatoes, or cassava manufacturing
industry are relatively easy to utilize in SCP production in comparison with cellulosic
agricultural wastes. Starch hydrolysis is relatively easily achieved with either whole
microbial cells or enzyme. A very interesting procedure is the Symba Process developed
by the Swedish Sugar Corporation. In this process two yeasts are used symbiotically:
Endomycopsis fibuligera hydrolyses starch to the sugars glucose and maltose with alpha
and beta amylases. Candida utilis then utilizes these sugars for growth.
(iii) Dairy wastes: Whey is a by-product of the diary industry resulting from the removal of
proteins (and fat) in cheese manufacture. It is a liquid rich in lactose which can be
obtained in concentrated forms from cheese manufacturers and can then be suitably
diluted to give the desired lactose concentration. Saccharomyces fragilis is grown in it for a
high-quality edible food yeast. The process can be adjusted to produce either SCP or
alcohol. Due to the cost of aeration, the authors recommend the concomitant manufacture
of SCP and alcohol under anaerobic conditions. In the closed-loop continuous system
described by the authors no effluent results.
(iv) Wastes from chemical industries: Various substrates from chemical industries can be
utilized for SCP production, provided they contain sufficient amounts of utilizable
carbon sources. Thus, C. lipolutica or Trichosporon cutaneum can be used for SCP
production in oxanone water, a waste mixture of organic acids from the copralactam
used for the manufacture of nylon.
(v) Miscellaneous substrates: Molasses the by-product of the sugar industry is a well-known
raw material for microbial industries (Chapter 4). Its use for food yeast production, a form
of SCP, will be described in the next chapter.
A wide variety of substrates may be, and have been, used for SCP production. These
include coffee wastes, coconut wastes, palm-oil wastes, citrus waste, etc. In the study of