5. Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena, Chpt.V, by C.P. Steinmetz,
McGraw Hill N.Y. 1900, Third Edition
6. The Imaginary of Algebra, pages 33-35, by Alex McFarlane, American Association for the
Advancement of Science, Vol XLI (1891-1894)
7. The Principles of the Algebra of Physics, A.McFarlane, American Association for the
Advancement of Science, Vol XL (1891-1894) page 77.
8. Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers, by Eric Dollard, B.S.R.A. 1986.
9. Theory of Wireless Power, By Eric Dollard, B.S.R.A. 1986.
10. Electromagnetic Theory, Oliver Heavyside, Chelsea Press.
11. Theory and Calculation of Transient Waves and Electric Oscillations, "Transients in Time &
Space." C.P. Steinmetz, McGraw Hill, 1910 Third Edition.
12. Impedance, Angular Velocities & Frequencies of Oscillating Currents, by A.E. Kennelly,
Institute of Radio Engineers, Nov. 3, 1913.
13. Vector Power in A.C. Circuits, A.E. Kennelly, Proc. A.I.E.E., June 29, 1910.
The Magnetic Compression Energy Pump ( MCEP project )
This is a thinking about a "Magnetic Compression Energy Pump" device, I look
forward to receive your suggestions and comments. Its run on simulation today....and
a device soon....
Take a circuit with an inductance L1 (resistance R1) and another inductance L2
(resistance R2). At the beginning L1 and L2 is load with a source and the circuit
L1,R1,L2,R2 is closed (disconnect from the source) to start the process.
If we decrease the inductance L1 and its resistance R1 of a circuit rapidly enough to
approximately conserve magnetic flux (phi=L1*I1) , we begin a "magnetic
compression process". For trying to maintain the flux constant during the magnetic
compression process, you must decrease L1 and increase R1, the inductance L2 (R2)
is "the collector" and have its characteristics constants.
The circuit must be tuned like this :
- the Tau=L1/R1 must be in function of the time, Tau( at end of process)
approximatively equal to 2*Tau.