Green’s Functions 35
Figure 1.9. Semi-infinite domain with a source and its image.
at (ξ, η) and an image sink at (−ξ ,η). The sink is outside the domain,
but the combined effect is to have
g =
(x −ξ)
+(y −η)
(x +ξ)
+(y −η)
, (1.193)
equals to zero on x = 0. Here, we have extended g
into x < 0inan
odd fashion. If we needed g with normal derivative zero on x = 0, we
have to extend g
in an even fashion, using two sources.
To obtain the Green’s function for a quarter plane we need four
sources (two of them may be sinks depending on the boundary condi-
tions). Similarly, for a 45
wedge, we use eight sources at the points,
(ξ, η), (η, ξ)and at the images of these two points under reflection with
respect to the x-andy-axes.
We can even obtain the Green’s function for a rectangle with one
corner at (0, 0) and the diagonally opposite corner at (a,b) by repeat-
edly reflecting the original source at (ξ ,η) about (a) the x = 0 line, (b)
x = a line, (c) y = 0 line, and (d) y = b line. This gives a doubly infinite
system of sources.
For the 3D case, if the new domain can be obtained by symmetri-
cally sectioning the full infinite domain, we can construct the Green’s
function by the method of images.