ing from the Mayak plutonium facility near Chelyabinsk in
former USSR) have more lymphatic genetic mutations (T-
cell antigen receptors) than people who suffered radiation
from atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japanese and Russian
scientists state. The region's death rate is higher than its
birth rate the experts state. Japanese scientists are from the
Radiation Effects Research Foundation in Hiroshima. An
international symposium attended by about 130 experts from
eight countries, including Russia, the United States and Ja-
pan, on radiation effects on human health is held in Chely-
abinsk to discuss hazards posed by the Mayak plant to
nearby residents at the three-day meeting.
•Artificial reservoirs for liquid nuclear waste in Rus-
sia's (former USSR) Ural region may overflow if left un-
touched, destroying nearby areas near Chelyabinsk 65 with
what is called a nuclear flash flood, Russian officials warn.
No effective measures have been taken to prevent a 10-
meter-high flood with a radioactivity as high as 200,000 cu-
ries of Sr-90 & Cs-137. The reservoirs at the Mayak chemi-
cal plant now hold a total of 400 million cubic meters of liq-
uid nuclear waste, and there is a strong possibility the em-
bankment will give way, inundating towns and villages
along the Techa River nearby. Suspension of an atomic
power plant project in the region last year added tothe dan-
ger of a nuclear flash flood, adding the project was designed
to accelerate evaporation of water at the reservoirs using
surplus heat from the power plant.
•The Mescalero Apache Indian tribe of New Mexico
votes down by a vote of 490 to 362 ( there are about 3,500
tribal members ) a proposal to build a temporary site for the
US commercial nuclear waste.
•Linda, Cheryl Marie, and Paul Michael McLandrich
wife and children of Gregory McLandrich bring suit against
So. Cal. Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric and Combustion
Engineering for Gregory's wrongful death. He was diag-
nosed in August 1989 with leiomyosarcoma, a rare form of
soft-tissue cancer of the abdomen, and died on Aug. 30,
1991, at age 42. The plaintiffs allege that McLandrich was
exposed to fuel fragments.
•University of California San Francisco investigating