Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 395
Geology and ore petrology of the Akanvaara and Koitelainen mafic layered intrusions and the Keivitsa-Satovaara...
Fig. 62. Plot of Ni(100S) vs Ni/Co, all cases, Keivitsa intrusion. Note the sharp lower boundary of the plot cluster; this seems to
represent the mixing line between pelitic and komatiitic sulphides. The halo extending into high Ni(100S) values represents
sulphide-olivine mixtures.
sulphides of the false ore type make up the
bulk of the total mass of sulphides in the intru-
The regular ore type forms the main mass of
the Keivitsansarvi deposit. Its sulphide content
is 2–6%, with Ni(100S) 4–7%, Ni/Co 15–25
(Fig. 63) and Ni/Cu 0.6–0.8. A typical fair ore
contains 0.5–1 ppm PGE+Au. The ore mass
consists of homogeneous dissemination over
hundreds of metres, almost without a break.
There are, however, invisible lateral trends in
the Main Ore from the proximal to the distal
part. For example, the Ni/Cu ratio has been
found to change within a short distance from
1.5 to 0.4, while the Pt/Rh ratio decreases from
40 to 10.
In the regular ore type the PGE+Au sum
generally correlates positively with Ni+Cu
(Figs 70–71), but among successive drill core
samples there are numerous aberrations normal
to the linear trend (i.e., Ni+Cu decreases as
PGE increases). This behaviour indicates ad-
mixtures of transitional and Ni-PGE-type ma-
The transitional ore type occurs in the upper
part of the deposit, between the regular ore and
the Ni-PGE-type ore. Gradations into both are
common. A thick transitional ore was inter-
sected in a deep DDH below regular ore in the
Main Ore (see Appendix 5). Rare pegmatoid
pockets with massive to semimassive sul-
phides occur in this type. The gradual contacts,
presence of euhedral olivine and clinopyrox-
ene in massive sulphide matrix and high
Ni(100S) contents indicate that the pegmatoids
represent intercumulus sulphide-silicate emul-
sion, accumulated in contraction voids.
This type has a lower sulphide content,